This Week, i looked at the thricomes and I saw that on the right plant, the thricomes were mostly cloudy.
Knowing that i would soon have to harvest, and seeing that the new grow is now alot greener (since I adjust the p.H. of the soil) i flushed this girl this week.
The thricomes are getting more and more giving the plant a nice frosty look.
The plant on the left still has to fatten up, to my eyes. So i'll give her the time she needs to develop her potential.
Dear dudes and dudettes,
Read you soon!
She did, this was before I arrived. (One week ago) i'll share you an update soon.
I'm pretty happy with their size and shape. They're not struggling anymore 💪✌️
Good job, congrats. Now that you know there were thrips you can treat those clones and move forward without pests into flower 👌
I use lady bugs or DE because I am organic, either way good luck!
thx! yep, that's the plan!
what i did till now is i used a home made pesticide with clay, "black soap" and pepermint essential oil. I can detail the recepie if it interests someone! I sprayed this during two weeks for now, but there still are quite some thripes. But...!!! the new leafs don't have alot of white dots so a good signe for now.
i also catched one lady bug but... i guess this will never be enough haha. I also planted a few pepermint plants as companion plants.
i cross everything that's crossable on my body for now ;)
thx for the comment! peace out to all of you!😘