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CBD Mango Haze

5 years ago
Room Type
Grow medium
19 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
No Smell
I have two CBD Mango Haze and two GG4. 100% germination rate and I managed not to drown the seeds and had them protected so outisde animals couldn't eat them. I may have lost a previous try to a bird. Either that or I wasn't gentle enough taking off the seed shell and the top broke off. I figured with my second try at my first grow I would get my nephew his birthday present the GG4. I am growing outside and have bought a small greenhouse because I started super late in the season so I am hoping I can finish them. Plus it will help get them started next season. I wish I could find some 6inch pots with humidity domes for that reason. This season mostly started out of trying to figure out a hobby I could do that I would enjoy and hopefully stick with. I plan on doing some minor breeding experiements with time. Picture 1 is Gorrila Glue 4. These seeds germinated and broke ground about a week before the CBD Mango Haze. This one has been the fastest growing so far. Picture 2 is CBD Mango Haze. I removed the seed shell this am after it had been stuck since it broke ground (5 days I think). I waited to see if the first set of leaves were going to come out so I didn't cut them. Once I cut the seed shell what I call the sun leaves opened right up and as you can see it looks good. I am still waiting a few days before I say it's not going to die because I wasn't awake enough, my hands weren't steady and there was a little to much lift on the plant so I may have damaged it along the stem or at the root ball. I thought I was going to have to cut the sun leaves but I fgured out how not too. Picture 3 is another GG4 (Original Glue I guess is it's new name) Picture 4 is CBD Mango Haze. This one didn't need surgery.
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
No Smell
A little bit more growth nothing to crazy. I did give each a half ounce of compost tea five days before the pictures were taken. I am glad they are alive! I am looking into grow lights as I seriously doubt I will be able to finish any fo them before the season is done. Any input there would be much appreciated! I won't have a tent so I am thinking I will something a bit stronger as I won't have reflective walls. If I can figure out how to get them inside where my cats won't eat them I will put them in a white walled corner. I could also throw something together with boxes and poster board or something. I may get a tent at some point but I don't have any sort of timeline on that because while I live in Cali I can veg inside and flip outside. I will be getting a light that can veg and flower obv as I serioulsy doubt I'll be able to finish this season outside and when/if I get a tent I will flower in that.
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
7.62 cm
No Smell
Pic 1 is of one of my CBD Mango Haze plants. I feel it should be bigger than this at this point but I also know I've made mistakes. I should have transplanted MUCH faster than I did and probably used smaller containers. I am assuming the droopy leaves, the spots of death and te general plant stress you see are... well I have three ideas: 1) nutrients - to many, not enough or the plant sucked up a lot because the seedling dirt was malnurished. 2) Transplant shock, but that should be over and 3) Heat stress. I am leaning mostly towards the first one.
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
7.62 cm
No Smell
My two CBD Mango haze plants are coming along. One faster than the other and I only transplanted them four or five days apart. The only differences I can think of are one pot has a lot of worm castings while the other only has what came in the dirt and peralite, there will be some minor amount differences as I didn't weigh it. I removed the yellowing/dying leaves on mine, I am not sure what was causing it and I sprayed with spinosad in case it was bugs. I will also try neem if I notice it comes back. One or the other not both. But the newer growth looks better for sure, the bottom leaves have some brown/dead tips that I am watching. I am thinking nitrogen burn rather than bugs but I could be wrong. It could also be root damage from the transplant. I used larger containers than I should have and when I transplanted the dirt just fell apart and the plants went sideways. I thought I killed it for sure! I was ready to just throw it in the compost bin but I took a deep breath, told myself I have to try, finished the transplant and listened to mantras for inner peace. Now it's the biggest plant. The Gorilla Glue is my nephews. We talked about it at length, I told him it was for his birthday and to make sure he wanted that strain and he would take care of the plants. I later learned that he had no idea how to water plants so I taught him how and he now knows how to transplant a plant also. I had him remove whatever leaves he wanted from his plants. I transplanted one for him - its the bigger one. I am assuming it's just because it got transplanted to dirt with nutrition faster than the other that it looks different. Overall I am learning from my own mistakes and having fun now that they are growing. Next grow will be smaller germination/seedling containers and a faster transplant. I will start them under a T5 and nothing covering it once I put it in the sun(something ate my last one or I was to rough when removing the seed covering so I covered them and I think that played with the sun rays along with the greenhouse, I sent that back because it was partial shade and made the light very green) though I have a grow light now so I may use it depending on if I have figured out where to put it by then.
Grow Questions
Learningstarted grow question 5 years ago
I am trying to figure out what is causing the leaves to die. It has slowed down on the larger plant but the smaller one is still showing strong signs of whatever it is. Here is a picture of the larger plant. You should be able to zoom in using CTRL and the + key.
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
The8thChevronanswered grow question 5 years ago
Besides overwatering and a possible N deficiency, it looks like you have had a few very hot days recently. You may also have small pests so check the underside of your leaves for a whitish worm looking thing. It will be tiny tiny tiny.
MrBlocc420answered grow question 5 years ago
Looking through your diary, you might have a few problems going on . 1 over watering. From week 1 for a plant this size only needs just a a few sprays of water with a bottle. Week 2 looks like you let it dry out a bit but then again in week 3 looks like you over water again not letting oxygen get to the root zone will cause the droopy leafs. 2 what’s your water parameter growing in soil you should be between 6.2-6.8 if I’m not mistaken. Also what’s your EC . To high at this stage can have your root zone to hot causing your plant to lock out nutrients. Causing the yellowing from the bottom up (nitrogen deficiency) . Hope that helps if not please feel free to hit me up . Good luck to you
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
30.48 cm
14 hrs
19 L
I am not sure if the CBD Mango Haze is flowering but I am pretty sure it is. The red circles while hard to see are marking what I think are the pistils. There are a couple more in the cluster at the top but you can't see them in the picture. I am 99.9% sure the GG4 is flowering as the pistils are more prevalent and are at each bud site. It's super small height wise so I am hoping stretch makes it taller(bushier would be cool too but I don't think stretch includes to much bush). I will be happy with whatever it gives me though. I am not sure I will buy Ethos again. I have some Expert GG on the way, not sure when I will start that one.


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Fibro_Witchcommentedweek 15 years ago
Hi there! Welcome to GD fellow CBD grower! I know it can seem like a lot at first. I'd encourage you to really look around at other diaries and sites like Royal Queen Seeds and I Love Growing Marijuana to get a good understanding of how the plant grows. You'll make mistakes, it happens, but it's a really rewarding process. So LST is basically opening the plant up so you can get better light penetration. A lot of people use pipe cleaners to gently bend the branches down so you're getting a fuller, bushier plant vs a taller one so you have better yields. FIMming stands for "F*%^ I Missed" in regards to topping. So with topping you'd be taking off the entirety of the new leaf growth vs FIMming you're taking about 75% of the leaf off. Topping is more effective at reducing stretching vs FIMming can give you more top colas. I really like the Fox Farm Big Bloom because it's all natural ingredients, and if you want to use something else natural, I use Fish Emulsion Fertilizer during vegetative growth for their Nitrogen needs. Later on in flowering you can use Bone meal for their elevated phosphorus needs and Kelp meal can help cover potassium needs as well as trace minerals. Unsulphured Molasses is another great feed for flowering stage which can help produce super sticky buds. I hope that helps, and remember you can utilize the grow questions portion if you need help. Glad to see more CBD plants and good luck!
Learningcommented5 years ago
@Fibro_Witch, I think if I had a walk in green house I could def grow outside during the winter. I may need to heat it at night though. If I grew things in big enough pots or in the ground I may not though. We will hit mid 30's here maybe slightly lower but nothing to crazy. Idk that it has ever froze but maybe. Hell just something to cover raised beds might work. I live in Los Angeles so no snow and very hot dry summers that last awhile. Perfect for sativas =] I am buying this. I'm not really wanting to spend 85 on it but the 60$ one doesn't have windows and it gets over 100 in the summer so it needs them... Space in this house is limited. The closet in our room isn't even a closet. I looks like they wanted it to be a bathroom, changed their minds put plywood over where the sinks would be, made it cabinets for storage and put a rail so you can hang stuff. This house is poorly laid out, it needs to be gutted and rebuilt. Interesting... my mom just mentioned having an article on how to turn a dog crate into a green house and now you are saying you did it. Hiydrow was of interest to me as it's blue dream (while it's been around awhile the high holds it's own given the right circumstances) and GSC (not my fav as it's indica dominant but I assume the blue dream would push it more sativa) mixed with a CBD strain that is ACDC (I find this one boring, it doesn't do much for me) and Harlequin (I really enjoy that strain) so it could prove useful for me. Have you experiemnted to see what THC to CBD level is ideal for you or what THC level is to high? I've used many brands and strains (though I have some problems beliving they are what they say they are) right now it seems that Trident and CBD Mango Haze are my go to for CBD. I can't find the CBD MH anymore that's what made me decide to grow it. I really wish I could find some Trident seeds or clones. My sweet spot seems to be 3:1 CBD:THC for general well being and mood. But 30:1 has a lot less pyschoactivity for me with the same effect so I use that if I need a pick me up when I can't lose focus even momentarily. Idk what the industry looks like out there and I assume it'd be different brands there then here but I highly reccomend Raw Garden. They have a few 2:1 CBD dominant and a few 1:2 THC dominant cartridges that I enoy and it's live resin so the flavor and effect is very close to the flower. Yeah in your case I would stick to the firearm and just stay off the radar. Keeping your farm safe and using humane methods for injured animals is more important imo. What kind of birds do you keep? What is a tomato roof? I couldn't seem to find it on the net. Look into Captin Jack to help with bugs. I haven't used it personally but the compost tea guy I know reccomends it for the caterpillars that get into the bud spefically and it's organic. It may be a different species out there though so Idk if it will work. Plus gardening seems to be as individual as people are. I just found Nectar for the Gods nutrient line up. I am still looking in to it to see if it is something I am willing to use it but food for thought if nothing else. Two other strains I am hoping resurface are While I am not sure either is for you I feel they would hold import in the medical side of things. Plus I think I would like high THCv.
Fibro_Witchcommented5 years ago
@Learning, The roof sounds like the way to go! I'm sorry about the gardeners. Some people... It seems crazy to think that you could grow outside during the winter but I guess you've got a much different climate than I do! And cats... Yes, they will find a way, they love weed! When I was hardening off my seedlings outside I had to put them in a wire dog crate so my cat wouldn't get into them (and also the deer). Though I suppose if you have a closet that could house it and keep the door closed it might work out. I was going to grow Hiydrow this year but they were out of stock when I ordered. I've been interested in trying Female Seeds genetics for a couple years now since they came out with Candida and Nightengale. Agartha looks interesting... As I'm building up a little more tolerance the Sativas aren't affecting me as much. My friend claims to have a black thumb and not enough time. She asked me if I would be a caretaker for her since she has a medical card but I don't really want to be on the system's radar. It is legal in my state, and I had thought about getting a medical card but then I wouldn't be allowed to own a firearm due to cannabis still being scheduled federally. I live on a farm out in the boonies and unfortunately I do need my firearm, whether it be to ward off coyotes, kill the mink that slaughtered my birds for sport or put an injured animal down. I'm definitely not ready to try breeding. The first sign of pollen sacs and those males get chopped down! Plus I'm trying to fly under the radar and not bring attention to myself. But, back to the greenhouse/cold frame recommendation, I have had good luck with using a tomato roof in the fall to keep mold at bay. We have wet and cold fall weather that can get the better of some of the photos that finish end of September and early October. Keeping the buds dry definitely helps, but the caterpillars can be murder! Best wishes for the new seedling batch. Look forward to seeing them! May the force be with you!
Learningcommented5 years ago
@Fibro_Witch, I need to find something to keep them in inside for a bit and possibly if they flower longer than expected. I'm tempted to buy a grow tent but I don't have room. My girl and I moved from a three bedroom house into a bedroom essentially. Its a three bedroom but we share it so kitchen and living room are communal and the other two bedrooms are private. I was looking at a collapsable/pop up greenhouse 2x2x3 but my girl brought to my attention that the cats could probably find their way in that if they wanted to and could always jump on it and it wouldnt offer protection if they jumped on it. So I am looking at a bigger one they can't jump on but Idk where to put it lol. Plus I may need a bigger one if the CBD Mango Haze isn't finished when the weather changes. I may just get a small outdoor greenhouse but Idk if it will be warm enough in the winter, it may be in the beginning though. It will keep the gardeners out for sure. That is defintely a lot of plants! Once I figure things out I will probs grow a few more but that's when I have more space, most importantly figuring out how not to kill them. Though I suppose I didn't kill the third =] Maybe you should try breeding or crossing strains. It sounds like you grow a lot of plants and are good at it. If it is fully legal where you live or oyu have a med rec you can try seedcellar. They are a MI based dispensary but their genetics seem legit. It's where I have gotten all of my seeds because I wanted to get them fast in hopes of having some sort of season. I had come across The Real Seed Company, they def caught my interest. I have Mango Thai and Lao bookmarked. Both the Syrian and Crimean look really good! I bookmarked both. I get the THC senstivity and having to be careful. That is another reason I have to be careful also. I don't mind high THC but I need to know that is what I am about to partake in so I know how to approach it. Maybe your friend can put up a small green house or build raised beds with places that she can put PVC pipe, buy some plastic and create her own cold frame. Or build something like this over them. Clearly I have no clue what is realistic in her case. Assuming it snows it obv wouldn't be a year round set up but may help. My CBD folder has 31 in but there may be some repeats as I haven't cleaned it out. I did clean out the main part though. My THC dominant section has 43 again there are probably repeats and I know a lot are ideas for my dad. He bought a bunch of Chinese seeds only to be disappointed for the vast majority of what he planted anyways, he has over a thousand seeds. I told him that wasn't ideal and he should go with a reputable seedbank but I guess that was his lesson and mine is to figure out how to keep the babies alive apparently =D These may be of interest. The last one may be a sativa that works for you. Idk if your interest is beyond hybrids. The gardeners are both careless and lazy. Maybe I am judgemental with the lazy part but there are plants they decide to kill rather then take down the dead vines and there is one side of my house that I get back there to tame a bit (mostly for the safety of the house) and they don't touch but not because I said don't. I wish they didn't touch my back yard. I have mentioned it various times to the landlord to no avail. I have told them myself again to no avail. Past putting up a fence Idk what to do. They remove tomato cages... As you can see I wasn't kidding when I said I am putting them on my roof =] I probs will use tomato cages up there and I bought some twine so I can loosely tie the braches for some light LST. I am sprouting the two seeds I have left from my first CBD Mango Haze pack and one GG4 seed (my nephew only wanted to do one in case he messes it up, I said he can use everything I do but it's up to him to water it etc) if all goes well I will have pictures in a couple weeks.
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Belverdecommentedweek 15 years ago
This is certainly the strain with the best terpenes I have ever tasted, excellent choice 👌😉 It is an ideal cannabis if you want to use it before doing intense physical activity Really superb Yummy cbd is also very good Shanti 🙏 Have fun✌️🌱
Learningcommented5 years ago
@Belverde, Thanks for the encouragement! I need it. I assume you mean the CBD Mango Haze but you could mean the Gorrila Glue. I would like to try Yummy but can not find the seeds. I would also like to try MediHaze but I am not sure if the place I found them is legit so I erased it from memory, though I am sure I could figure it out if I dug deep enough =] I am pretty sure one plant is going to make it. It is continuing to grow and looks more or less good. Some leaves are questionable but I will watch and remove if I think I need too. I already cut off those bad looking ones. There are a couple that have tips that look like I may need to remove them. I'm just waiting to see if the area gets bigger or if it's nitrogen burn. I transplanted really late so they were probably like wtf when they went in the dirt with nutrition but it could be a bug or fungus... The other CBD MH looks decent but is growing noticeably. The two GG4 could be better but they seem to be growing. I left them to my nephew to tend to and just recently found out he didn't know how to water plants... that was swiftly corrected and he know knows how to transplant a plant also. They are for him for his birthday and I let him know before I even bought the seeds they are his plants to tend, he said okay but I guess I should have asked a few questions to get an idea of how much he knew about plant care before letting him fend for himself. One has definitely grown and the other seems to be thinking about it. I wil get some pics in the next few days.
Fibro_Witchcommentedweek 15 years ago
Yey! Very happy for you🙌
NastyNesto13commentedweek 35 years ago
neat! looks like one of my plants- same deal transplanted way too late and fucked up the first pots. I'll make a diary if you'd like too see her- its a bubba island kush from Dutch Passion. I have another strain in the same bed that's doing much better so it might not entirely be your fault :)
Learningcommented5 years ago
@NastyNesto13, Thanks for the encouragement! I would indeed like to see it, I am always curious.
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