Day 44 and they were in need of a watering with MC. Everyone is steadily growing upwards and becoming very leafy. So I might trim them up again sometime later this week. Also increased the power on my big quantum board to about 70% brightness. Slowly get them ready for the eventual flowering switch, which will happen at either the start or end of week 10
Day 46 and another round of drinks for everyone, with MC and now adding Cal/Mag too. Noticing the same deficiencies markings I had the first time growing with Do-Si-Dos and seeing it on other girls too. I had also upped my QB LEDs power to about 70% earlier this week and I know LEDs tend to bring this issue up. Just hope I can keep the issue under control
Day 48 and another watering with nutrients, but I upped the amount to about 1G each now. Not going to add above because it might be a one time use to help my leaf health (phosphorus problem it seems) I added like 2tsp of dried Bat Guano to my watering to try and help out. Hopefully it does and we see my plant health improve, but also wonder if my DE might of been a factor too because I left them on the leafs to curb my mite issue.