Day 130 The Big Fucking Update. Yeah it’s been a few days and it’s because I couldn’t login to update anything until today and a different browser. Anyways missed a couple of waterings where I’m just going straight water to finish. Which could be by the end of the week. Thinking Thursday I will chop down my American Pie and Do-Si-Dos and freeze dry them as well. Learn something from my past 2 plant attempts, make sure they are completely dried before turning off your machine. Had washed them and added extra moisture and were still slightly frozen/wet when I took them out. Even drying in a paper bag didn’t save them all. Live and learn I guess. Almost there and so much closer to getting my new bigger tent up afterwards and start my next grow.
I see your using the diatomaceous earth for pest control. 👍 Great stuff, i use a brand I found at a health food store super fine. Also Im using the Mars Hydro SP 250. Good luck on your grow its looking good. Gonna follow this diary.