Day 15 from dropping a seed in the water. Day 8 from planting. I was worried about growing under LEDs despite one bulb claiming 10,000 lumens it tested at 10,963 with my harbor freight meter. A friend stopped by and gave me 4 of what he called UFOs, they're dim to me and are about 900 lumens under the meter but I figured they're colored so they can't hurt, plus they boost temp and add some circulation. He gave me 4, I squeezed 3 in there but will deploy all 4 when I rearrange for flowering. Anyway I was worried about LEDs and stretching but that is turning out to be a non-issue, hardly any vertical growth at all. Just leaf expansion. I let her sit for 5 days no watering, I misted this morning and will give her a first watering tomorrow as I believe root establishment is well underway. Breeder states up to 120cms so I think I can not add too much due to weak light. Seems highly compact thus far. Lights still on 24/7 as they will be for remainder of this grow. No nutrients this week, my compost and calcium and multivitamin has that covered. Temp is up to 75 this I'll add more air circulation.
@Skiffdank, That's interesting... Maybe its just a matter of Her needing to be a little stronger to handle the nutrient hot compost. She might take off yet!!
Looking good man, I've got two Auto Ultimates that I put directly into cocomix last week. About 5 days until they showed up. Mine are at about 1.5 inches now. It'll be cool to see how yours go on LED