Day 1 dropped seed into cup of well water. When shes 2 inches long shell get planted.
Soil prepped with $.99 oil absorb from adcance auto, just coconut whiskers. This is added to my compost which has eggshells in it, and some nasal snuff to keep any critters away. This makes the center of the pot in which she gets planted.
Sprinkling dry nasal snuff to keep any creepy crawlers away.
Day 1 dropped seed into cup of well water. When shes 2 inches long shell get planted.
Soil prepped with $.99 oil absorb from adcance auto, just coconut whiskers. This is added to my compost which has eggshells in it, and some nasal snuff to keep any critters away. This makes the center of the pot in which she gets planted.
Sprinkling dry nasal snuff to keep any creepy crawlers away.
@Skiffdank, That's interesting... Maybe its just a matter of Her needing to be a little stronger to handle the nutrient hot compost. She might take off yet!!
Looking good man, I've got two Auto Ultimates that I put directly into cocomix last week. About 5 days until they showed up. Mine are at about 1.5 inches now. It'll be cool to see how yours go on LED