2 x Road Runner #2 Auto, 1 x Big Bang Auto and 1 x Critical + Auto.
Germinated and then put into 2 gallon fabric pots with 3 to 1 ratio of Foxfarm Ocean Forrest and Foxfarm Happy Frog with added Perlite.
As my grow area is somewhat cramped with an already 3 week old plant i'm going to grow indoors for 4 weeks or so and then put outside probably.
Big Bang 2 unfortunately died after it's outer seed was stuck and I did a poor job of removing it which resulted in it's demise!
My Auto Road Runner started a few days ago with twisted first leaves and recently all other leaves are drooping. Could it be slightly hot soil or too much heat, or even a mircoscopic bug infection? I watered it 15 hrs ago after leaving it for 3 days and it hasn't spring back.
macaration of the twisting of his leaves It really looks like your soil is running too hot for these seedlings next time try a lighter mix. Happy Growing! 🤟😜