Note to self: a little collidal silver goes a long way. I sprayed the mess out of plant 2 and it has more bananas then buds now! Looks like a male plant almost!! I really have been abusing plant 2. Not sure if that will effect the seeds, hopefully not. I think I should leave plant 1 to grow for at least 1 more week if not 2 but due to unseen circumstances I must start the flush now. I will flush plant 1 for 2 weeks then harvest. I'm happy with the plant size as it's the biggest 12-12 I've seen. It's pretty wild how fast time flys and it seems like I just updated my diary last week. Cheers and be safe.
Eh, update for anyone who cares, after curing 2 weeks it doesn't smell like desil or wood at all it's more citrus. I've never smelled bud like this before pretty wild. Havent tasted yet will update when I do