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Jamaican sess

4 years ago
Room Type
weeks 8
weeks 8
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
35.56 cm
15 hrs
24 °C
800 PPM
10 °C
11 L
Nutrients 4
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 1.057 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.793 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.528 mll
This seed was taking from a bag of Jamaican sess that smoke was very nice and impressive i don't know if it is a male or female until blooming stars to happen neither I know the strain nevertheless I'm going to have her in the smaller pot in case she grows to be a female but from all the plans I'm doing for outdoors this one is the strongest and most vigorous a very interesting smell that I do not recognize what kind of plant it is if this plant happens to be a keeper I will clone her in flowering and bring her inside into a tent in that way I can save the genetics of this girl for next summer . Somebody especially in the Jamaican Community should know which kind of plant is this I will appreciate any information because I know that the local Jamaicans strains are rare and exquisite . Thank you for reading I will continue to update have a happy grow
Week 6. Vegetation
5 years ago
35.56 cm
15 hrs
24 °C
800 PPM
10 °C
11 L
Nutrients 4
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 1.057 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.793 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.528 mll
Unfortunately this girl has been a complete nightmare it's not because of the plants not because of the weather not because of the nutrients not because of the soil but it's because the person who is looking after the girls in my absence . I live approximately 2 hours from the property so somebody has to look after them when I'm not there. Unfortunately the person who is looking after them in my absence does not have a minimum of logic when it comes to grow plants he is 200% city dividual with zero gardening skills or common sense I asked him to buy some neem oil and also some pesticide soap to mix them in water and spray the plans as a preventive management against pests but instead of doing what I said he went and purchased some baking soda and some form of liquid soap and he combined them at one tablespoon per gallon and he spray the plants with this poison mix when I asked him where he got this information from he mentioned in the internet( YouTube). The problem is I did not find out about this until the second day by then the plants had an incredible beating and I thought they were not going to come back I washed them and flush them with tons of water out of a hose on hopes that they were bouncing back at some point but I was getting ready Jiffy pucks to start a new grow very sad and disappointed by it . but they seem to be bouncing back and even though they have lost precious week with mistreatment poisoning butchering and every single mistake in the book and some that are not even there they are still thriving what incredible plants. I did not post much pictures because is very sad to see them in this state but to all the new Growers out there every time you think to do more to you plant that equals sacrificing growth and in other matters more is less when it comes to cannabis plants just let them grow be patient don't do too much to it unless is sick or has some nutrient deficiency I can't tell you how disappointed and upset I am because it feels like doesn't matter how much I work to put them ahead somebody else's destroying my hard work . thank you for reading I will continue to update have a happy grow
Week 7. Vegetation
5 years ago
35.56 cm
15 hrs
24 °C
800 PPM
10 °C
11 L
Nutrients 4
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 1.057 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.793 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.528 mll
I'm very glad to form at the plans and make full recovery and doing very very well interesting note about this girl is that it is showing a lot of red stem and is not a deficiency so I must be related to genetics can't wait to see how the flower turned out to be in this girl smells very nice as well thank you for reading I will continue to update have a happy grow
Week 8. Vegetation
5 years ago
35.56 cm
16 hrs
30 °C
800 PPM
18 °C
11 L
Nutrients 4
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 1.057 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.793 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.528 mll
This week I decided to fim her as well as starting low-stress training the plant has done a remarkable comeback from the unfortunate events from 2 weeks ago and looking to go straight to have a great harvest currently In This Moment the smell is very strong and looking great thank you for reading I will continue to update have a happy grow
Used techniques
Week 9. Vegetation
5 years ago
35.56 cm
16 hrs
30 °C
800 PPM
18 °C
11 L
Nutrients 4
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 1.057 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.793 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.528 mll
This girl is developing great and not much to report other than today I did the defoliate a lot of them to create better flow of air in the middle as well as to encourage better growth of more future colas. Because of my tent will become almost empty soon I think that probably next week I will move this girl inside my tent and change her hours to flowering time and develop this one indoors because it was ground the seed from a Jamaican says back and I have no idea if this one is male or female since I'm going to have room available in my time I better bring her in and see how she develops if she is nice I will clone her and trying to keep her genetics in that way. Thank you for reading I will continue to update have a happy grow
Week 10. Vegetation
5 years ago
35.56 cm
16 hrs
30 °C
800 PPM
18 °C
11 L
Nutrients 4
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 1.057 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.793 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.528 mll
Plant has been doing pretty good and despite being in small pots she grow quite a bit and she is starting to preflowers already.
1 like
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
35.56 cm
16 hrs
30 °C
800 PPM
18 °C
11 L
Nutrients 2
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 1.057 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.793 mll
The plan seems to be cruising entering his final stage and it seems to have 2 sex looks like she's going to be a hermaphrodite. Not surprising this plant grows wild in Jamaica thank you for reading I will continue to update I have a happy grow.
1 like
Week 12. Flowering
5 years ago
16 hrs
30 °C
800 PPM
18 °C
11 L
Nutrients 4
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 1.057 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.793 mll
Liquid KoolBloom - Terra Aquatica
Liquid KoolBloom 0.264 mll
This plant is doing very well she was donated to a Cuban friend I have which actually has two of them and they are very well she is very tall with large branches despite being on a small pot she has been fed nutrients once a week no training has been done on her despite all that she's looking fantastic I did not want to keep her with me because I don't know if they're flowering cycle will be done by the 1st of October if not then rain and humidity is too high to be able to crop something outside in Ontario. Thank you for reading I will continue to update have a happy grow.
1 like
Week 13. Flowering
5 years ago
16 hrs
30 °C
800 PPM
18 °C
11 L
Nutrients 4
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 1.057 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.793 mll
Liquid KoolBloom - Terra Aquatica
Liquid KoolBloom 0.396 mll
The plan seems to be growing pretty nice. Is being fed once every two weeks despite having no attention when they're growing seems to be cruising by they do have a little bit of yellow leaves but that is lack of nutrient but I can only visit the property every two weeks and feed them. I will continue to update thank you for reading have a happy grow
Week 14. Flowering
5 years ago
16 hrs
30 °C
800 PPM
18 °C
11 L
Nutrients 4
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 1.057 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.793 mll
Liquid KoolBloom - Terra Aquatica
Liquid KoolBloom 0.396 mll
Despite being in very small pots and having zero care training they're doing very well . Thank you for reading I will continue to update have a happy grow.
1 like
Week 15. Flowering
4 years ago
12 hrs
16 °C
800 PPM
5 °C
11 L
Nutrients 4
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 1.057 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.793 mll
Liquid KoolBloom - Terra Aquatica
Liquid KoolBloom 0.396 mll
The plant has been starving where they are now they can only be fed once a week and they require way more than that so I don't expect them to be too amazing. You're thriving and they were doing well. Thank you for reading I will continue to update have a happy grow.
Week 16. Flowering
4 years ago
12 hrs
16 °C
800 PPM
5 °C
11 L
Nutrients 6
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 1.057 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.264 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.066 mll
The plant has been growing and progressing very well looks and smells are very nice and despite being in a very small pot and being feed once a week at most they have been growing very good but now they are incredibly hungry and this very cold days we have been having doesn't seem to bother them at all thank you for reading I will continue to update have a happy grow.
Week 17. Flowering
4 years ago
12 hrs
16 °C
800 PPM
5 °C
11 L
Nutrients 6
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 1.057 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.264 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.066 mll
Despite having no training and not knowing exactly this train is that that it is from a badge imported from Jamaica pandas being doing great in a Canadian environment and it seems to be getting ready for Harvest. Smell is a little hard to describe but is very sweet . Typical of the cannabis plant of the island. Thank you for reading I will continue to update have a happy grow
Week 17. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Very little care when into this girls I got them from some bagweed of Jamaican and after they were a few months old I give them away to a friend to have them in the backyard they got fed once a week sometimes once every two weeks and not raining or any special care went to them also in the flowering time they had a hard time because the pool in this specific house isn’t party almost every night and there is tons of light hitting them not allowingThose girls to probably rest and recover despite all that they have done quite well I will post more information once it’s completely dry and ready for curing thank you for reading have a happy grow
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Spent 92 days
Ger Veg Flo Har

Day air temperature
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Truly I didn’t expect much about them because they were not under my care there were some girls that we grow up but give it to somebody for adoption not much Care went to them they got fed only once a week or something once every two weeks no training Or nothing done to them And to make things worse in this house the pool is almost open every night and there’s tons of light going to the backyard that didn’t help too much either despise all that they had turn out to be very nice Plants with an interesting smell to them. I will continue to update once they have completely dry out and they are ready for Curing thank you for reading have a happy grow.


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Canna96commentedweek 135 years ago
Very nice looking setup and grow! She looks happy and healthy, great work!
Canadiancommented5 years ago
@Canna96, thank you for your comment and this girl does look very healthy and strong .has been incredibly resilient to our environment and they're flowering is right on schedule not to say that it has a very interesting smell and looks and this is despite being in a very small pot and being feed nutrient only once every two weeks. Don't know if she will be ready for October 1st or within that week so she can beat the rain and high humidity that will ruin the flowers.
ChefSpliffcommentedweek 65 years ago
Came across this. Don't get discouraged at all!! from what I can see your new growth is healthy. If you cant maintain them often maybe try a slow release feed, and water them until you have a good run off. Im in Canada to I dont know where you are but it will also rain so dont worry about the water too much but maybe at least once a week to check on em. Good luck I would love to get my hands on some sess seeds.
Canadiancommented5 years ago
@ChefSpliff, thank you for your comment and luckily they have bounced back. but for a moment I thought they were not going to make it luckily my friend is now not so adventurous and it's playing conservative now so they're doing pretty good.
redwardcommentedweek 17a year ago
Any update on high?
DoDrugs420commentedweek 174 years ago
You rock that Jamaica sess i love it.
Canadiancommentedweek 135 years ago
Thank you for your comment and the plant seems to be loving their new location two weeks ago I move them from where they were cuz it was getting too much light from the pool light but now they seem to be thriving much better in this darker spots at night still receiving full sun during the day without major issues I have been very surprise of how well she has grown in the Canadian environment I hope she finish flowering by the 1st of October when rain Stars in Ontario.
the end.
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Jamaican sessJamaican sess
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