Today we started the 4th week of growth for this little girl.
She still not growing at the same rate from other plants, but looks fine enough!
After many research and a LOT OF HELP from some masters of GD, I've decided to lift the LED Panel and low the watering.
Seems to be working, once that the new leaves are showing a healthy dark green.
This week, I'm also working on nutrients for root development and growth.
Wish me luck, buddies!
Welcome to Grow Diaries. Looks like you have a great set-up. So far it looks like you are doing everything well. I am happy to give any advise along the way if you just ask. Best wishes on the grow.
The grow looks great mate! I am really liking the graph chart and the spreadsheet documenting your growth. Glad things are dialed in better for you. Happy grows!
@Zannabis7, I really wanna have info to compare different plants and check what works better. Works fine for that, right?
Thanks for all support bro!!
@Ripper, I'll follow your instructions about lifting the pot and check.
And I also decided to do exactly what you do: plant them directly on final pot.