
Frist time DWC

4 years ago
Room Type
weeks 4
weeks 4
weeks 4, 8
55 L
Pot Size
Grow Conditions
Week 15
24 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
6+ nutrients after
Commented by
Ganeshasurvivel Ganeshasurvivel
4 years ago
hey brothers in peace ?? I had it away these days, I had a problem, I think it was the heat of the lamp if someone can help me. another I think the buds are not getting fat as I do for them to give up if it's still time. she also stretched the tops now, pistils are being born again, this is normal. I don't know if it would be harvest time. could see the pictures to help me !! THX
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Grow Questions
Ganeshasurvivelstarted grow question 4 years ago
someone with experience with DWC could help me! the leaves are turning yellow and burning, and now they are dark and twisting Tnks
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
Bloombusteranswered grow question 4 years ago
Привет, друг! 👋 У тебя наблюдается хорошая передозировка фосфором! Ты слишком задрал PH своей гидропоники и растение слишком ускорилось в усвоении фосфора! 👆 Рецепт выздоровления: 1. Измени PH своей гидропоники для твоего возраста 5,6-5,7ph. 2. Внеси поправки на удобрения: - grow 1 ml/l - micro 1 ml/l - bloom 2 ml/l b52 и cal/mag оставь как у тебя в дневнике указано в последней неделе! 👆 Удачи, бро! ✊😇
grzesiekkuzniakanswered grow question 4 years ago
you r boiling your plants.....................water shouldnt be more then 75 F........................overfeeding them too..................shouldn't be more then .5 EC..................................i think might be not enough air or too high water level..........................good luck.....................and plant next seeds ..............this grow is a goner
Nor_Cal_Kannablissanswered grow question 4 years ago
Don't drink the bloom-aid. GM is spot on.
Ganeshasurvivelstarted grow question 4 years ago
hello friends would like a help. does anyone have a defoliation video link she grew up a little bit need a reference. thank you
Techniques. Defoliation
AsNoriuanswered grow question 4 years ago
i have video and photos before, after .. Diary 8 sisters. Week 3 and 6 of flower. In check point grow diary have 2 waves of defoliation in veg cycle. Have a look.
Ganeshasurvivelstarted grow question 4 years ago
hello friends what is the best light time to flower this automatics? she was 24/24 4.5 or 6 hours without light? thank you
Setup. Lighting
Bloombusteranswered grow question 4 years ago
Привет, бро! 👋😇 Autoflower можно выращивать в режиме 24/0 до снятия урожая! Но я предпочитаю давать отдых растению и устанавливаю режим 20/4 или 18/6. Выбор остаётся только за тобой, ты можешь продолжать выращивать в своём режиме 24/0, а можешь и перевести режим, это не повлияет на твоё растение и оно будет продолжать успешно развиваться! Всё зависит только от твоего желания. Но если рассматривать энергопотребление системы и износ источника света, то конечно лучше давать отдыхать растению и способствовать периодическому охлаждению ламп, дабы исключить перегревы лампы. У тебя стоит HPS - она очень много потребляет электроэнергии, и очень горячая....поэтому я бы давал ей остывать раз в сутки! 😇👌 Удачи, бро! ✊😇
Herbieanswered grow question 4 years ago
mate if she has been growing fine on 24 keep her on 24. I keep my autos on 24hrs but throw in a few 5 or 10 min breaks in to keep cool in my small space and I have a silly idea I'm creating clouds in front of the sun like real life......
Ganeshasurvivelstarted grow question 4 years ago
hello friends my plant has grown a lot and the buds are not developing much, I use the advanced nutrients fertilizer line, could someone who could help me give me a boost !! THX
Buds. Not fattening
Nor_Cal_Kannablissanswered grow question 4 years ago
Give her some time. They look about where mine were at the same time. They usually fatten up the most at the very end. 🤟

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TheUk420Showcommentedweek 114 years ago
Fear not my friend. I have some experience with dwc. Right first things first. Water tempture. IS the bbiggest issue facing DWC growers If the water is too hot the water is not getting any oxygen. Or it cannot uptake the oxygen that it needs. I have around 4 grows under my belt in buckets and it really comes down to your lighting. If you use HID lighting that heats up everything in its path your going to have problems. 12 hours is a long time for something to build heat and if its black it will absorb the heat and transfer it to your water. If you have LED lights this does not effect you as much as HID. the next most important thing in our systems is air the air must be cool and the air going into the pots must be fresh air not co2 rich air from your room I suggest putting the pumps near the intakes for your tents. You need alot of air to grow a large plant that is going to produce alot with training. With enough air the right temperatures of the water the only thing left on the list is nutrients now. This is a very touchy subject when it comes to DWC as there are not many products on the line specifically aimed at DWC there are a few and plant magic springs to mind. What I prefer to do is mix my own nutes for price and predictability I have found it a hard curve to get my head around and im only just starting to see the potential of DWC pots. Plenty og Cal-mag is what you need in my experience. I try and keep nutes low and only increase if i see problems. I've only been cultivating for around 5 years but I've only touched soil in one attempt and the rest have been NFT or DWC. From looking at your plants they are doing really well but I don't think your system is reaching its potential personally I think the browning of leaves and if anyy are curling downwards with no heat stress that would indicate in my experience there is not enough air in the water and you are drowning your ladies. I would say your stalky skinny issue is due to an in balance in your nutes. I have seen friends that have the same problems they seem adamant it is the nutes that cause mutations like this. the bud will still be nice and smokable :) I wouldnt worry too much pal overall looking like a great grow. a tip to keep your water temps down is freezing small 500ml bottles full of water screwing the lids on then placing a couple in the buckets that can help bring the water temps down.
Ganeshasurvivelcommented4 years ago
@TheUk420Show, hey brow nice? Look me post.. hellp me tnks
Canna96commentedweek 94 years ago
Looking real strong 💪! Good luck the rest of the way!
Fast_Budscommentedweek 25 years ago
Hey there, Thanks so much for running a diary of our genetics 🙌 Let us know if you need any assistance, we’re more than happy to help. Happy Growing !!! 🌱☘️🌴🍀🌿🌳
DoDrugs420commentedweek 153 years ago
You rock that Pineapple Express Auto i love it.
TheUk420Showcommentedweek 154 years ago
Ahh shit looks like you have picked up a case of mould unfrotunatly you cant smoke the dark bits or you can but it would be very nasty. you must be growing in a small space to get that much humidity. Unfortunatly theres nothing you can do to reverse the effects of mould just discard the effected area and dry and cure the rest have you looked t her trikes yet ? she seems very close to harvest