upped the Bloom to 4ml/L and upped the P.K booster to 2ml/L and they seem to be loving it. All leaves are green and spotless and they sit happily enjoying the light
Maintained a good wet and dry cycle and kept up with the Cal/mag from day 1 and it seems to have solved all my problems. Using the air-cooled hoods and upgraded exhaust fan and the temps sit great around 25 during and day. The hottest day so far and I had 29 for a couple hours
Really really happy with everything so far
Take my feedback with a grain of salt as I am a NOOB and still learning a lot myself; however, in my experience in the last 2 weeks the buds typically swell and harden up. So, they should still hopefully put on some more weight. It's all depends on the strain. Some strains, no matter what I do, grow larger quantities of smaller buds. All in all, I think everything is looking good!!!
@FoTwenny, I think your right. Im just more used to the faster auto flowers that seem to bulk up quickly. Part of me is worrying that I didn't catch the hermaphrodite plant early enough and it pollinated the rest of them. Only time will tell. According to the breeders I have a week left of flower but I think realistically they might have another 2-3 weeks more to rippen. Hope you grow is going well