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Purple Lemonade in the 6ix

5 years ago
Room Type
weeks 4
weeks 4, 9
weeks 5-6
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
0 cm
20 hrs
23 °C
37 PPM
85 %
20 °C
20 °C
20 °C
0 L
Nutrients 1
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.35 mll
So we are at the heart of what would be prime growing time in my region. So I decided to get back on the grind and see what we could mustard up with mother nature at the helm. We came with our beautiful, beefy, bust bitches. To put some major color into our lives.... Fastbuds style. This variety has always been a heavyweight for me. So we are hoping to go as big as possible! I pre moistened my root plugs with ph balanced water to 6.4. Than sowed my seeds and covered the hole with a small bit of the plug. Misted my humidity dome and got its rh to 85%. Got the plugs inside and we will maintain the 85 rh until we see some sprouts. Re misting the dome as the moisture levels drop. Should be bout 4-5 days until lift off. Cant wait to get this grow on the way. See what we can make of this outdoor season. Until next update when we got sprouts.... happy growing and stay lit fam.
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
1.27 cm
16 hrs
17 °C
412 PPM
43 %
20 °C
20 °C
10 °C
11 L
Nutrients 4
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.25 mll
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 1 mll
Root Booster - Terra Aquatica
Root Booster 1 mll
Day1 So are ladies popped in just 4 shorts days germination time. So we got them out of the dome and into their new homes. They got sowed into 3 gallon pots filled with promix hp. We pre moistened our pro mix with 1ml per liter bio root and 1ml per liter armor si. The solution was ph to 6.4. Than it was straight outside for them! Fuck all that hardening sheet! We got em outside in a medium light setting. Meaning lots of light but still relative shade. Not in direct sun the whole day. They will love it. It's rather windy today and only 17 degrees Celsius 43% rh. Plus it's supposed to drop to 10 over night. But I ain't pampering these bitches. Outside is where they will stay. With that my yearly outdoor adventure begins! With all the bug activity here... I might need 5o get creative. Wish me luck fam. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 2 Temps dropped hard over night but the girls are still chugging. Plant 1 got a bit of purpling on its first single bladed leaves. Getting that anti freeze out to battle mother nature. Day 3 We top dressed our pots with 16 oz of earth worm castings. Than watered them with 1/2 tsp per gallon of great white. Amending that soil giving the root system a ideal medium. Purpling didnt spread on plant 1. Even though temps dropped to 7 degrees celcius over night. Bullshit. But what can u do the outdoor battle lol. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 4 After another way below season temp night... These girls seem to just be use to it at this point. Growth is fattening up and no more purpling has spread(purpling is from the low temps). We will be having atleast 1 more day with a huge night temperature swing. Than it should be on to some "normal" weather for this time of year. We moved them into a area that has longer direct sunlight hours. They still get some shade during the day. Though now its alot less than before. They will be repositioned once more. When they are ready for full sun exposure. Until our next update, happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 4 mid day The move has proved quite effective! The higher sun exposure has basically cleared up plant number 1's purpling! Number 2 is starting to pray! Just what I love to see. It was a very good decision. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 5 morning Temp dropped to 10 degrees celcius overnight again. This is supposed to be the end of the cold snap... fingers crossed. Ladies did really well. They fattened up their foliage and seem ready to burst to life. Plant number 1 is back to green and vibrant! No trace of what was once purple due to the cold. Beauty... until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 6 Overnight temps stayed better dropping only to 14 degrees Celsius. Plus its warmed right up today back at a decent 26 degrees 42%rh now in the morning. Girls seem super happy by it. There pots are getting dry now again. Will top them up later on in the day and update again. Until than happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 7 So we topped these ladies up last night with ph balanced water to 6.4 . Containing 1ml per liter armor si, 1.25ml per liter bio root, and .5ml per liter bio weed. This should treat these little ladies just right... for the phase they are in. Growth continues to prosper as they barley stretch, and both have started a new set of leaves. Its currently 27 degrees Celsius 40%rh in my region. They will definitely need a nice misty cool down at sunset. To get those comfort levels up! Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
3.18 cm
16 hrs
29 °C
434 PPM
58 %
20 °C
24 °C
19 °C
11 L
Nutrients 5
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.25 mll
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 1 mll
Root Booster - Terra Aquatica
Root Booster 1.25 mll
Day 8 These ladies are progressing perfectly! Despite the rather cold start they have strived right along. Fattening up their first single blades and starting to bang out another set. Today was rather hot with an average temperature of 29 degrees celcius and high points of mid 30's. It's supposed to cool off to 19 degrees celcius over night. Than be right back up there again tomorrow. The rh was an average of 58% getting up as high as 66% at one point today. They were calling for rain but called it off. We will be in for some high humidity tomorrow along with the heat warning. Welcome to Summer time.... Gave them there first treatment today. Used a canola oil based spray mixed to the lowest effective amount. Misted the 2 ladies top and undersides but focused most of my attention to the medium with the mix and gave it a healthy treatment as well. After the spray started to dry I washed it of the leaves. Later in the day I took the pics and vid for the day. No damage or any distress from the treatment at all. I did notice a very little left over residual on the leaves when zooming in the pics. So I got back out there at sunset and gave em a wash and misting. The ladies are nice and cozy! Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 9 Ladies fattened up those single bladed daggers a bunch over night! We gave them a misting just after sunrise. That will give em a nice refreshing wake up call, to start a big day of growth. It's already 28 degrees celcius outside. With a rh of 44%.... its early morning. It's supposed to hover the mid 30's all day than tail off to about 19 degrees over night again. Atleast there is consistancy in weather now. Knocks on wood. Let's see what the day brings. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 10 I gave these ladies a nice misting in the morning, as the sun was rising. It was 21 degrees celcius 63% rh . It has now since got to 24 degrees Celsius but 80%rh ... just needs to rain already. It will get up to a high of 31 degrees Celsius today but feel like 35 + with the humid x. Their growth continues to pick up and they both bulked up yesterday. I'm looking forward to another great day of growth. Will be misting the ladies again at sundown. I will try n put some more pics up from than. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 11 Gave these lady a good misting In the morning. It still hasn't rained and conditions are getting super hot and humid. Right now its 30 degrees and 71% rh. Sticky and smuggy out. At that these ladies water levels are getting low and they are due for a top up. We are supposed to get heavy rain and thunderstorms around 3pm today. We will gauge the need for watering after that occurs. If it doesnt happen... like the past few days. We will be out there with our watering can doing a feed. These girls have takin off and are starting to really accelerate. The speed and progressive nature of her ruderalis is becoming more and more evident. Love it! Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 11 night Yay it rained! Lol not... it drizzled for 5 minutes at best and just made everything worse. So once again it was on me to give these little ladies some fluids. I decided to give them a feeding of 1ml per liter of armor si, 1.25 ml per liter bio root. Solution was ph balanced to 6.4 . Than I gave them the routine misting cool down and that was that. It's still 30 degrees(was 35) but supposed to drop to about 20 degrees over night. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 12 These ladies got a misting this morning to start the day. It was 22 degrees celcius outside and very gray. Nice and cool for a change but not much in the way of sunlight. By mid day the sky opened up and finally rained. Putting a end to our long hot and humid drought. It's been raining since with solid winds. Temperatures stayed pretty still... at 23 degrees currently. Hopefully this is the cool down we have been waiting for. Will go check on them at night and do another update than. Happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 12 night Rains and winds progressed all the way into the night. Supposed to continue through tomorrow as well. Health remains great! Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam! Day 13 We've had a couple gloomy days in a row. Low 20's celcius with rain and lots of wind. Shes weathered the storm well. Their stalks have remained sturdy despite the heavy gusts of wind. Growth continues fairly steady even though conditions outside have been so up and down. Supposed to be gloomy like this until friday... tomorrow it's supposed to get quite a temp drop over night down to a mere 11 degrees. Than back into the pressure cooker to sweat it out for the weekend. Not the greatest forecast of events but let's see what they make of it. Foliage is really producing well. Nodes are coming in with beautiful spacing! They are nice green and vibrant. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 14 Last night was very cool for this time of year... temperature dropped to 11 degrees Celsius overnight. Keeping this up and down weather rodeo ride going. We are up to 25 degrees today and temps are only supposed to drop to 16 degrees Celsius over night. The rain has stopped today, but the sky is still very gray. Not very prime sunlight breaking it's way through the thick clouds today. Tomorrow is supposed to be much more seasonal... high temps and lots of sun I bet this little lady cant wait. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
8.26 cm
16 hrs
27 °C
434 PPM
42 %
20 °C
23 °C
19 °C
11 L
Nutrients 5
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.25 mll
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 1 mll
Root Booster - Terra Aquatica
Root Booster 1.25 mll
Day 15 It's currently 27 degrees 42% rh outside. It's super sunny with nothing but blue skys. They were praying when I came out to check on the fastbuds outdoor garden. Just absolutely marinating in the Rays. With a string of weather like this. We should be in for quite the growth surge. We are feeling a lot more seasonal now. Temps are only supposed to drop to 19 degrees tonight. With a tiny chance of rain. Just a refreshing mist I presume. Girls are really stacking with tight internodal space! Going to make for quite the branch beast! Cant wait for some side branch action to get going. Start some hands on work. This variety really fills out... with ample training it can make for quite the canopy. Muhahahaha. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 16 Today these ladies got another dose of great white at a 1/2 tsp per gallon. I want to ensure a successful culture. So now that theres a larger root system I wanted to apply a bit more of the fungi. Later in the evening I sprayed them with a canola based treatment. That's one component in our anti bug regime outside. After treatment sat awhile we washed away the excess. Keep their pores good and clean. Smooth sailing and wonderful weather today! Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 17 They responded hella good to the treatment yesterday. No burning or apparent discomfort. They are soaking up the sun on this bright but cooler day. Its currently 23 degrees Celsius 62%rh. The high of the day is only 28 degrees and its supposed to drop to a low of 19 over night. Good day for some booming growth. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 17 evening Plant 2 got a topping and a defoliation/lollipop. Her sister is just a touch behind and will be due in the next couple days. This variety is a super hardy brancher. This topping will just further push that forward. Get her bushing and filling out. Soon it will be lst time. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 18 Plant 2 has responded wonderful to her topping and defoliating. Plant 1 is on course to be topped tomorrow evening. They are both basking in the sun on this beautiful day. Its currently 29 degrees Celsius 45% rh. Such a great day will hopefully help plant 2 recover quickly. Also get plant 1 to where we want her to be. We will end their day with a nice refreshing mist. Will do that in the evening as the sunsets. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 19 Came outside this morning to check on the ladies.... SOB! Found a single hole in one of her leaves. Whatever took the bite definitely didnt like it! Mabey my pest control measures lol.Either way I did a full check around for Caterpillar or grasshopper... nothing. Going to be on close watch for now... if new damage arrives we will be quick to take further action. Other than that nonsense.... They started their day off with a nice misting! Growth is right where we want it to top plant #1 tonight.Today's another super sunny day. 27 degrees Celsius 49% rh... nice and comfortable. Temp will drop to 19 degrees over night. Beauty. Will touch base tonight after topping, and bug check ARG. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 20 These girls are booming with stead! Plant one was sitting pretty and just where I wanted her for a topping. We did that and gave them a refreshing misting to start the day. I applied Caterpillar treatment to the pots and table pots are currently on. Put molasses traps underneath the table to lure and catch potential crickets. There was no new damage today... nor caught or dead pests present. Our PP regime was definitely increased though. Its 27 degrees Celsius 51% rh currently outside, and very sunny! The high of the day us 30 degrees and it will drop to 20 over night. Fabulous conditions today for another healthy day of growth. Let's keep the good times rolling! Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 21 Their pots are getting quite light and dryish to the finger test. So tonight they will receive a feed with a much fuller diet. I will update the chart later today once feed has been completed. It's super hot today.... 33 degrees Celsius with a rh of 42%. They look un fazed and they are soaking up the huge sun shine! Bright, bright day out today. Nice amount of breeze pumping... making it a bit more comfortable I suppose. Both responded well to the topping! Both are starting to bounce back rapidly. A nice feeding today is just what the doctor ordered. For a speedy, healthy recovery. We will definitely be ending their day with a cool misting. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
12.07 cm
16 hrs
30 °C
434 PPM
50 %
20 °C
25 °C
21 °C
11 L
Nutrients 5
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.25 mll
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 1 mll
Root Booster - Terra Aquatica
Root Booster 1.25 mll
Day 22 In order to give them a bit longer wet to dry cycle. I opted to wait till today to give em a feeding. Its currently 31 degrees celcius 50%rh , which is todays high. It will drop down to 21 degrees over night. We are going to feed them in a few hours. Than end their day with a nice mist to cool down. Lord knows they will need it. Lots of sun and decent sized winds. Good day for some stalk building. Both have really started to build up the side growth , since being topped. Plant #2 is basically ready for some training... and #1 is not far behind at all. Plant 2 continues to be the taller leggier pheno, well #1 stays more stacked and compact. Let's see what these ladies have to offer. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 23 They got a good feeding yesterday of 1ml per liter armor si, .5ml per liter calimagic, 1ml per liter flora micro, and 1ml per liter flora gro ph to 6.4 . Super hot but sunny day, but it will be great for growth. These ladies continues to explode...thing of beauty. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 24 Going to be another scorcher today! So I was out at sunrise giving them a nice refreshing mist down. The feeding the other day and the string of sunny days. Has really let them flourish. 38 degrees celcius is the high for today... time to melt.... Definitely end their day with another misting. They have been loving the higher temps anyway... lots of wind comes in around them. Making everything more tolerable. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 25 Lots of sun again today for the younge ladies! Itll be much cooler today. It's only 28 currently and the high of the day is only 32 degrees celcius. Its supposed to drop to 20 degrees over night. The relative humidity is 40% and supposed to get closer to 50% as the day progresses. Couldnt ask for better I guess. Started some lst structure training. Both responded great to the session! I know it wont be long till I'm training them again. We opened them up and spread them out. Trying to promote wider bushier plants.... rather that tall monsters. As where they are growing. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 26 Damn what a scorcher out today. Its currently 35 degrees Celsius 43% rh . Just absolutely cooking outside. It's supposed to drop to 23 degrees over night... I cant wait. They really went through the water supply, and they are getting pretty dry. Will top them up this afternoon with water with 1ml armor si ph balanced to 6.4. Than cap the day off with a good misting at sunset. Though it's been hot... we've managed to keep them rather comfortable. They responded to the training session tremendously! Both have turned themselves back upright, and have continued to grow. Just mere hours to bounce back. With another good session tomorrow we should be looking at a nice even canopy very soon. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 27 We gave them a good watering last night with just armor si. They were parched and that was just what they needed to clench the thirst. We started the day off at sunrise, with a treatment of pyrethrin mixture. Cycling the products in my War on bugs regime. As the misted coating dried I washed off the excess. That will prevent burning and help avoid pesticide toxicity. Its currently 23 degrees Celsius, windy as fuck ... and there is a severe thunderstorm warning. The storm Is only minutes away. It's supposed to last 2 hours than sky rocket back up to 32 degrees for the high of the day. It's supposed to drop back down to 22 degrees over night. Let's see what she will make of this. Sure the wind will help with stalk building.... Plant 2 has really begun to transition into flower fast. Bud sites are forming as she begins her heavy growth/stretch period. This strain I've known to be very progressive and continues to get larger throughout most of flower. So I'm not to worried on size. Plant 1 is not to far behind as she started to show pistilis heavy. Only a matter of time no for her as well. Shes now mature. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 28 The heat wave continues with the high of today being 35 degrees celcius 46% rh. Its currently 32 degrees celcius and the Low of the day is going to be 22 degrees. We did some more training on plant 2 Spreading and tieing down her top 2 branches. Going to do a bit more work on her throughout the stretching period. Than let her loose to bloom. Going to cap the day with a little misting on plant 1. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
5 years ago
33.02 cm
16 hrs
28 °C
682 PPM
67 %
20 °C
22 °C
20 °C
11 L
Nutrients 6
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.25 mll
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 1 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 0.5 mll
Been super busy cleaning and setting up a whole grow room. Than filling it up... So missed 4 days of updates unfortunately, but I took a video everyday ... so im doing it now. We had thunderstorms day 29 and day 30. Huge wind speeds and lots and lots of rain. Day 31 was mostly a beautiful sunny day, not to hot just cusping 30 degrees. We had a small rain shower but not long and much at all. Day 32 was absolutely beautiful! Nothing but blue skies and lots of sun. We continued our lst work as the ladies stretched. They are both putting on the flowers now and are blooming. Plant 2 already has good bud sites cooked up well plant one is just building up her pom poms. Plant 1 started showing her color right off the hop! Shes already packing purple flower bracts. Cant wait to see how she develops as she blooms. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 33 Nice and cool day today... it stayed at around 26 degrees celcius and a high of 28. With a average of 55%rh . Supposed to drop down to 18 degrees over night. Lots of sun all day today. Clear skys... not a cloud to block our rays. Very productive day because of it. Hoping for more of this tomorrow. We gave a light treatment again this morning. One of Our last efforts to detour and minimize pests. We used our canola based mixture to individually treat leaves. We got the majority of the plant just stayed away from fresh growth and forming budsites. We have plants around each other in different stages of maturity. Dont want to be letting loose with a mister and ravaging my flowers. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 34 Not too hot today... just a high of 28 degrees with a rh of 50% . But it is very cloudy out. As of now they've had great sun exposure all day. But once those clouds get over head, their full sun will diminish. It's going to drop down to 21 degrees over night, making it a relatively decent day for growth. These ladies are well into the transition to bloom. So their feed is relative to that fact. We got them on a really evenly balanced diet that we started today. Perfect for the transition into flowering. They responded great to our treatment yesterday. No burning or damage/distorted growth observed. Smooth sailing lol. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 35 What a shitty day out today... rain,rain,and more rain. Cloudy AF no sun to be seen. The high of the day is only 26 degrees Celsius, but feels worse cause of the 67% humidity. Not the conditions outside I want to see during flowering. Atleast it's super early into bloom. Its supposed to drop down to 20 degrees over night to end the blah day.... These ladies put on quite the stretch! Our lst/hst work has them nicely spaced out and even. With great branch/budsite spacing and form. Really happy with the structure results after most of the main stretch is now done. Ended up with a touch of burn from the last application of canola. Only on about 3 leaves that I must not have rinsed well enough. Some build up at the tip of the leaves, caused minor burning. Tiny damage and only cosmetic.... simply a reminder to me to be more careful with my pesticide application. Wash all residual / build up from the tips of the leaves. As that's where the excess will run down and pool. It's in my routine to do a thorough clean up.... just got sloppy this time. Bud sites are packing on and starting to gain form and structure! Cant wait for these beautiful flowers. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
38.1 cm
16 hrs
30 °C
915 PPM
48 %
20 °C
25 °C
20 °C
11 L
Nutrients 7
Big Bud - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud 1.25 mll
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.25 mll
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 1 mll
Day 36 What a beautiful sunny day we got on our hands! Going to be steady 30 degrees celcius with a rh floating at around 50% . Nothing but blue skies and full sun! It's supposed to drop to 20 degrees Celsius over night. Will give them a nice cool off period. Plant number 2 has started producing alot of purple flower bracts now as well! Looks like I got 2 nice purple phenos on my hands. Plant 2 is well into structuring bud/cola formation. Plant 1 is a bit behind still just has her pom poms on! She us progressing really quick and will have buds with much more character soon. Got a couple more inches out of last week... but the vertical size is down to a progressive crawl. We will probably get a couple inches here and there. Most of our size will come from cola girth now though. Next feeding we will be giving them a bit more pk. We will adjust their diet and update our chart when they are thirsty again. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 37 Another beautiful day outside today! Nothing but sunshine all day, with a high of 32 degrees Celsius. Very humid out currently it's at 71% but it's not supposed to stay this high for long. Plus there is a beautiful breeze making it feel alot more comfortable. The low for the day is supposed to be 22 degrees. Let's see what's made of the excellent amount of sunshine today! Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 38 Today is humid as hell hovering around 70%rh outside. The high of the day is only 27 degrees but feeling more like 36 with the humid x. It's super windy and rain will be on and off all day. There is a tornado warning in my region... hence the fucked up weather. It's supposed to drop down to around 20 degrees celcius over night. Been going out and shaking the excess water off her between rainfalls. Dont want flooded flowers... leading to the dreaded botrytis aka bud rot. Also the high humidity and water sitting on our leaves could spell PM. So the shake off is definitely necessary. Very simple but effective counter measure. Hopefully the weather will treat our girls better tomorrow... Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 39 Beautiful sunny day cooking up right here! Currently 25 degrees Celsius 47%rh, with a super nice breeze going on steady. The high is only 27 degrees today , NICE AND COMFY! Suppose to drop down to 16 degrees tonight to just bless us. They are getting mighty thirsty! Because of the thicker foliage in the canopy. The leaves prevented the rainfall from saturating our medium. We will be changing their diet a little. We will update the chart after the feed. These ladies continue with the beautiful deep purple flowers! Packing them in tight clusters, forming a thick,dense, and round bud formation/structure throughout our canopy. Yummy! Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 40 Today is a little cloudy but nice and cool. It's currently 24 degrees celcius 52%rh , the high of the day is only 26 degrees. Supposed to drop down to 19 degrees tonight for the low of the day. We gave them a watering last night, and a diet change. We added Big bud to there feed as our booster. They really seemed to love that taste as they were super perky this morning. Pumping up that volume. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 41 Today is nothing but clouds and grey sky. Supposed to rain on and off all day and just be piss poor growing weather. The high of the day is 26 degrees Celsius with a rh range of 59-71% today.... ARG. The low of the day is 19 degrees celcius. Write off day. These ladies continue to fatten up and frost over. Lots of color on their bud sites... and lots of aroma barrelling off them. Very fast progression as they boom through bloom. Quite exciting to watch these ladies fly. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 42 So theres been a touch of bug damage again in the garden ... and pest presence identified. Considering we are outdoors...we have been fortunate in that department actually. Staying vigilant with prevention and control has worked well for us to minimize the presence and damage of pests. We are now in full bloom... cant just go spraying away! So treatment has to be more controlled and precise now. I got a small sponge and mixed up a canola solution. By hand with the sponge I washed the tops and bottoms of individual leaves, taking care not to over saturate them. This can be very time consuming! To treat a whole booming and blooming garden one leaf at a time. But this is the most effective way I've found to treat the bulk majority of your plant during full bloom. Without potentially getting it all over your flowers. Once application started to get dry I hand washed individual leaves off of excess. In a controlled fashion as not to allow it to drip onto our buds. Once again another delicate task but to me VERY important. Build up and left over soloution can burn and mangle your leaves... causing far more damage than the bugs would have done. Plus canola mix is only effective well wet so once its drying up its run its course. It was a gloomy morning and we had some rain. The sun has now boomed out of the cloud coverage, to really light up our garden. The high of the day is 27 degrees celcius with a rh hovering around 60%. Its supposed to drop down to 18 degrees overnight. Making this a reasonable day for flower growth/production. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
38.1 cm
15 hrs
27 °C
915 PPM
55 %
20 °C
23 °C
18 °C
11 L
Nutrients 7
Big Bud - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud 1.25 mll
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.25 mll
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 1 mll
Day 43 Nice sunny day today! High of the day is only 27 degrees and the rh is supposed to float between 50-55 %. its supposed to drop to 18 degrees Celsius over night. Making this a wonderful day for my blooming garden! They responded wonderful to my by hand pest treatment. No burning or irritation in any way. Flowers continue to pile on, fatten, and gain mass. Flower clusters are filling right in making for very nice bud structure. Both are producing purples... but plant 1 by far is producing way more purp. Deep purple flower bracts with reddish tips. Simply wonderful. Trichome production seems to be kicking into full gear. Leats watch these babies frost over! Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 44 Super sunny day out today! Lots of useable light for great flower production! Its currently 28 degrees Celsius and the high of the day is 30. Rh will be kicking at 45-50% range most of the day. Right now being 48%. Its supposed to drop to 21 degrees over night... wonderful day! We feed them today with another full diet feed of everything listed in the chart. Thirst seems to really be increasing ... So I know those pots are getting full of roots. They continue to pile on the color! Just stunning looking flowers with that deep purple going on! Plant 2 has begun to swell a bit as she piles on the trichomes and does some filling in to her bud sites. Plant one just continues to develop her structure and bulk up. Shes just slightly behind her sister. Huge fruity aromas pumping off these girls! Smell is getting pretty intense... Any more and it will be changed to strong. I also get a little bit of herbal notes off of em. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 45 Hot one today but real sunny! Lots of wind to make it feel much more comfortable. Its currently 30 degrees Celsius 46% rh outside. The high of the day is a sweating 33 degrees celcius. It's only going to drop down to 24 degrees tonight... to continue the scorcher tomorrow. Busy family day today do that will be all for the update. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 46 It's currently 30 degrees Celsius 62% rh outside. Supposed to hover here all day with a high of 32 degrees. Supposed to drop down to 18 degrees overnight. That will hopefully cap of the heat wave. We shall see. Was supposed to rain today but they've called it off. Little bit cloudy out but more in squalls and patches. Gets bet darker out for few minutes as they pass over head. Lots of beautiful sun rays to be had! Looks like these ladies are flirting with breaking into the swelling phase! This is when our buds and colas will really show there true character and form. I just cant wait. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 47 Real nice sunny day today with cooler temps. Thank god. The high of the day is only 27 degrees Celsius, 48 % rh. It will drop to a low of 19 degrees over night. Making this a wonderful day for bloom. Swelling has started as these ladies boom through bloom. Lots of color and lots of frost coat their candles flowers. Delicious fruity aromas bellows every breeze. Scrumptious. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 48 We had a little bit of rain over night. Shook branches of this morning to clear excess water. Pretty cloudy outside currently.... it's only 23 degrees celcius with a rh of 62%. Supposed to be fairly cloudy all day with a high of 27 degrees. It's going to drop down to 17 degrees Celsius overnight. Not the greatest day for growing but definitely could be alot worse. Its not thick clouds so enough useable sun Rays are still available. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 49 Lots of sunshine today with a nice strong breeze. The high of the day is only 26 and it's supposed to hover around 24 most of the day. Its 52% rh outside today and the low will be 17 degrees. Very wonderful conditions considering the stage of growth we are in. They were mighty thirsty this morning! So we fed them with the full diet listed in the chart. Keep em well fed so they can bulk those flowers up! Plant 2 is swelling up and ripening. Plant 1 is slowly easing into the swelling phase but shes not quite there yet. Lots of color going on. Purple and some contrasting reds. Perty little mamas. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
38.1 cm
15 hrs
27 °C
915 PPM
49 %
20 °C
22 °C
18 °C
11 L
Nutrients 7
Big Bud - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud 1.25 mll
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.25 mll
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 1 mll
Day 50 Today was a little cloudy at times... but bulk majority nice and sunny. The high of the day was 27 degrees with a rh fluctuating between 45-50%. Its supposed to drop down to 18 degrees over night. Very decent weather. These girls are bulking up nicely and throwing on quite the frost jacket. They are really starting to swell as stigmas begin to recede and curl. We got a good week or so left of the bulking period. Than it's on to the ripening. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 51 It was not super hot but encoupled with the humidity it was sticky. Road about 27 degrees 60%rh all day. Lots of sun and blue skys up until nightfall. Mild showers are starting now as the sun descends. Its supposed to drop to 20 degrees Celsius over night to cap off the day. Bud sites are really ballooning up! The swelling phase is definitely flirty with me! Flower bracts are getting much more defined and colas are gaining weight. Thing of beauty. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 52 Terrible storms today! Raining at sunrise and it just increased in volume all morning. The rain stopped mid afternoon after a down pour. The sun beamed out at that point. Encoupled with steadily increasing winds... kinda harsh condition change ... but really helped remove the excess moisture outta the flowers. At around 6pm the storm rolled back through just a shit show all over again. High of the day was 27 degrees, and the rh fluxed around 55-60%. Supposed to drop to 18 over night and rains supposed to stop by 10pm. We shall see. I was out there every couple hours to shake off water build up in my buds. Keeping me on my toes all day. Lots of branches to shake off out in the auto garden. Definitely one of those time consuming things I do for my ladies. Not all will make the effort. Looks like I'll loose a couple leaves subsequently cause of the harsh conditions as off late. No biggy.. not alot of loss at all. This ladies nice and full of leaves regardless. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 53 Another cloudy ugly day... cool though with a high of only 24 degrees celcius today. Rh hovering between 50-60% . Little tiny rain showers on and off. None longer than 5 mins. Shaking branches after just to be safe. Going to drop down to 19 over night. BLAH. Looking pretty good considering the less than favourable weather! Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 54 Another cloudy day today... had a touch more rain over night. We were out shaking branches off come sunrise. The high is only 23 degrees today with a bit of sun to be had. Rh is high at the moment... 72%. That is supposed to taper down throughout the day to about 60% or so. It's going to drop down to 16 degrees celcius overnight. In these conditions I really need to keep water out of the flowers. Dont want a tragedy . Regular shake downs are in order. Did some defoliating of the more weather damaged foliage. There wasn't alot bot we got her cleaned up. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 55 Had more down pouring rain yesterday evening... did lots of branch shaking again... becoming routine. Plus side lots of sun today but the high is only 23 degrees Celsius. Going to be cool all day with a rh floating around 60%. Going to drop down to 15 degrees over night. We are losing our summer quickly. Buds are really fattening up and looking sweet. Supposed to have a rain free day for a change... hopefully it results in great flower development. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 56 Beautiful sunny day today! Nics and cool with a high of 25 degrees, and nothing but blue skys. Rh hovering around 45-50 % and a low of the day of 17 degrees. Perfect blooming weather. Buds are coming along great, cant wait to see how they finish! Started flushing today! Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam!
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
38.1 cm
15 hrs
26 °C
107 PPM
43 %
20 °C
22 °C
17 °C
11 L
Nutrients 2
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.25 mll
FlashClean - Terra Aquatica
FlashClean 1.5 mll
Day 57 Another wonderful sunny day! Pure blue skys not a single cloud. High of 26 degrees Celsius today. Rh floating from 40-50% and a low of 17 degrees. Definitely can complain. Also a beautiful steady breeze making it feel so comfortable. Definitely happy growing. We started a flush yesterday using 1.5 ml per liter flora kleen. We dumped 3.5 liters of solution into our medium. Buds are coming along great. The trichomes are almost 100% cloudy. Just the flush and chop chop! Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
38.1 cm
15 hrs
27 °C
107 PPM
60 %
20 °C
22 °C
17 °C
11 L
Nutrients 2
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.25 mll
FlashClean - Terra Aquatica
FlashClean 1.5 mll
So one is still ripening and fattening up well we continue to flush her. Shes got about a week left. The other we flushed for a total of 6 days using flora kleen. Than gave her the chop at 80/20 cloudy to amber ratio! Both smell and look fantastic! We gave the harvested lady a bud wash before we got in hung to dry. Not to dirty in our bucket after the wash. Especially for outdoors. Now shes clean and pristine and ready for drying. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.


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Treighfunkycommentedweek 115 years ago
Nice work as usual brother. I've been on the fence about ordering this strain. Let me know what you think of it 👍
416firemancommented5 years ago
@Treighfunky,I love the purple lemonade! Second time growing it. I've yet to be disappointed. Happy growing and stay lit fam.
HazeyBobbycommentedweek 95 years ago
It's a change to see flowering with so much light still in a day :) looks great with those sun beams on it 👍
416firemancommented5 years ago
@HazeyBobby,Lmfao "maintain a level of suffering" best thing I heard all day! Definitely got a smile outta my usually pissed off looking face! Thx for tht. Happy growing and stay lit fam.
HazeyBobbycommented5 years ago
@@416fireman, good to hear! .. yeah I try and do an outdoor grow once a year just to maintain a level of suffering 😁 I'm just about to start flowering my outdoor one inside before it gets too big for me :)
416firemancommented5 years ago
@HazeyBobby,My first time doing autos outdoors so a change 4 me to lol. Always been more of a indoor guy. Havin fun with outdoors. Total different beast though dealing with mother nature. Happy growing and stay lit fam.
WighLowBeanzcommentedweek 85 years ago
Looking fire, keep up the fantastic work that you're doing bro!
416firemancommented5 years ago
@WighLowBeanz,Hey u always got to start somewhere fam! I feel ill never have enough space... lol. Every time I get more space I realize 10 other projects I wont have space for lol. That feeling of wanting more is always there for me! Keep that hunger for more and passion fam and let it guide u. Happy growing and stay lit fam.
WighLowBeanzcommented5 years ago
@@416fireman, I'm running Red Poison once my tent clears out a bit. Trying to flip my closet to a flowering room. I don't have space to do what I'd like at the moment.
416firemancommented5 years ago
@WighLowBeanz,Thx fam appreciate it! Love the color these ladies are adding to my outdoor garden! Such a treat. Happy growing and stay lit fam.
ButtersStotchcommentedweek 15 years ago
Good luck man! Can’t wait to see how yours does outside, I’ve got one in the flower bed now about to start flowering. Hope the Ontario Sun treats us well!
416firemancommented5 years ago
@ButtersStotch,problem is soooooo much bug activity up my farms ways. Thrip central along with vulturing aphids lurking... waiting to desimate any and every legal cannabis plant planted. Almost like anti weed rioters still fighting the war on marijuana.
416firemancommented5 years ago
@ButtersStotch,got my fingers crossed fam. Weather has been so up and down. Hope ur baby treats u well! Happy growing and stay lit fam
ButtersStotchcommentedweek 105 years ago
Nice and milky trichs man!
416firemancommented5 years ago
@ButtersStotch,Ya man coming along!
GasGrowncommentedweek 35 years ago
Looking beast bro, should be interesting to follow!
416firemancommented5 years ago
@GasGrown,thx fam! This variety never disappoints. Always a gem in the garden... Glad to have u along for the ride! Happy growing and stay lit fam.
Fast_Budscommentedweek 25 years ago
Hey there, Thanks so much for running a diary of our genetics 🙌 Let us know if you need any assistance, we’re more than happy to help. Happy Growing !!! 🌱☘️🌴🍀🌿🌳
416firemancommented5 years ago
@Fast_Buds, Well so far it seems like mother nature is off her meds. Can u prescribe her something for me? Lmao... Pleasure growing ur genetics! Much love as always 💚💚💚 Stay lit fan!
HazeyBobbycommentedweek 15 years ago
Good to see you back in action 👌
416firemancommented5 years ago
@HazeyBobby,thx fam! Good to be back. Always a pleasure to have u along for the ride
Hoodoocommentedweek 25 years ago
isn't it fairly late in the season for this? good luck!
416firemancommented5 years ago
@Hoodoo,Nah actually for us here reveg season is April. Usually first week in may plants go out. But our month of May was way to fucked. Up and down and all around. This will line me up to be done last week of August or first week of September... lots of good weather still than. Light hours start really tailing than. So I should be more than good. Great question though. I should have mention the common break down of my region's growing season. Just didnt think on it. Happy growing and stay lit fam.
DoDrugs420commentedweek 114 years ago
Purple Lemonade Auto is looking sooo fine, lemme have that!
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