July 26th : ...
July 27th : forgot about the auto's..
July 28th : Oh me.. They have shot up and the budding is starting to really take hold on these girls now.. Looks like it's gonna be some nice cola's!
July 29th : Was outside watering and just happened to be next to CC #1 and the light hit it just at this magical angle. Probably one of my favorite shots so far. 😎
July 30th - Aug 1st : Got preoccupied with other things never got around to pics..
Good luck amigo!!😁👊
Nice timing on your outdoor grow, she can be a big one if left untrained😁👍 going for a greenhouse set up? Than you can expect amazing results😁✌️
Happy growing!!😁👊
@Growlecule, I'm gonna just let them go outside. Wish I had a greenhouse but i'm also afraid they might roast where I live.. was 106f today. Just gonna go in a good spot with a lot of sun but some shade also! Hoping they all do well!
@G_to_the_Y, Thanks for checking it out! I'm lucky to be able to grow outside.. It's been really hot and that's presenting it's own challenges as of late but still better than frost bite for the plants!
@Shockolateman08, thanks for stopping by and checking it out! Yeah when I dug it out.. it was stuck under the seed shell and pure ghost white. I kept wanting to chuck it and do another but the wife made me have patience.. something i'm not always good with! *lol* but it seems to be growing shockingly!!
@Growergreg, this one was buried underground and almost died before I dug it out and prayed it would make it.. half the taproot ripped off when I was trying to get it out so yeah I'm not expecting much from it at this point but you never know!
@iMpulsive_Grow, so far very happy with the Happy frog fruit and flower. Once a month you add into top soil and then only need to water. I'm down for an easier grow. 😉
Folks can say all they want about growing inside, I included, but every time I see all the amazing grow folks her are sharing from the outside it just reinforces what I need to do next spring, Looking just great my friend@ Thanks for the update!
Hey there,
Thanks so much for running a diary of our genetics 🙌
Let us know if you need any assistance, we’re more than happy to help.
Happy Growing !!! 🌱☘️🌴🍀🌿🌳
Dude you can do it! I believe in you.. Good time of the year.. And you got lots of time left.. Depending on where you live. I screwed up so bad and started way too early.
Congratulations @Nor_Cal_Kannabliss on your Master Status - Well Deserved!
Great Progress with your farming❗💯🌿:thumbsup:
🙌🙌👏Please Check Out My Newest Diary's🙌🙌👏