
Critical in the 6ix

4 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 5
16 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
4+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
416fireman 416fireman
4 years ago
Been super busy cleaning and setting up a whole grow room. Than filling it up... So missed 4 days of updates unfortunately, but I took a video everyday ... so im doing it now. We had thunderstorms day 22 and day 23. Huge wind speeds and lots and lots of rain. Day 24 was mostly a beautiful sunny day, not to hot just cusping 30 degrees. We had a small rain shower but not long and much at all. Day 25 was absolutely beautiful! Nothing but blue skies and lots of sun. We gave her some Lst training. Tied her main stalk down , opening her up and creating a better canopy. Did a tiny bit of defoliating but just lower useless growth. Lots of signs of flowering so it's any time now! Bloom,bloom,bloom. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 26 Nice and cool day today... it stayed at around 26 degrees celcius and a high of 28. With a average of 55%rh . Supposed to drop down to 18 degrees over night. Lots of sun all day today. Clear skys... not a cloud to block our rays. Very productive day because of it. Hoping for more of this tomorrow. We gave a light treatment again this morning. One of Our last efforts to detour and minimize pests. We used our canola based mixture to individually treat leaves. We got the majority of the plant just stayed away from fresh growth and forming budsites. We have plants around each other in different stages of maturity. Dont want to be letting loose with a mister and ravaging my flowers. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 27 Not too hot today... just a high of 28 degrees with a rh of 50% . But it is very cloudy out. As of now they've had great sun exposure all day. But once those clouds get over head, their full sun will diminish. It's going to drop down to 21 degrees over night, making it a relatively decent day for growth. This ladies well into the transition to bloom. So her feed is relative to that fact. We got her on a really evenly balanced diet that we started today. Perfect for the transition into flowering. She responded great to our treatment yesterday. No burning or damage/distorted growth observed. Smooth sailing lol. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 28 What a shitty day out today... rain,rain,and more rain. Cloudy AF no sun to be seen. The high of the day is only 26 degrees Celsius, but feels worse cause of the 67% humidity. Not the conditions outside I want to see during flowering. Atleast it's super early into bloom. Its supposed to drop down to 20 degrees over night to end the blah day.... This ladies putting on quite the stretch now! Because of our lst work, shes nice and open. With great branch/budsite spacing and form. With some more stretch I'll be very happy with her overall structure. On to some flowers baby! Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.
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spaced0utcommentedweek 74 years ago
I'm growing the exact same strain from fast buds, so far mine looks identical to yours. minus the height. I'm at 6.5ft. btw also in the 6! =) good luck on the grow !
416firemancommented4 years ago
@spaced0ut,Gotta love Toronto... never a dull moment. Yeah this lady would've been a monster. I've been tieing her down and I super cropped her to keep her smaller. Wide and spread. Hope your lady produces well! Happy growing and stay lit fam.
HazeyBobbycommentedweek 44 years ago
sounds like it was a good day for those plants to store up those shining rays 😎
416firemancommented4 years ago
@HazeyBobby,We've had a string of some really sunny days. The ladies are loving it! Happy growing and stay lit fam.
Fast_Budscommentedweek 15 years ago
Thanks so much for running a diary of our genetics 🙌 Happy Growing !!! 🌱☘️🌴🍀🌿🌳