Second week of pHd flush only. She looks really good. I keep checking her and I'm not super sure but if I'm feeling better this weekend I may just start the harvesting process.
You're right, you are a long way off, in soil you'll want to flush for two weeks so you're looking at the trichomes for all cloudy with a spec of Amber. 👍🌱
Where do you set up your co2 stuff? I was thinking of going homemade with this run, using vinegar and baking soda. How do you set yours up? I've only just begun to research this aspect so any tips and tricks are much appreciated.
any suggestions keeping it cool? I've already got 3 fans going and my bedroom AC going as well. I keep the closet doors open except at night and during "dark time." I may need to get some blackout curtains for my windows and keep it partly open at night just to keep it cool?
When growing autos, what nutes and how much do you like to use? I use about a quarter strength of Nectar for the Gods series. I've noticed a little nute burn but not bad. Now do nutes stunt growth in autos or is it really play by ear?
The basics are the same as growing photo strains, the only difference being not having the ability to control the amount of time she's in the vegetave stage and when to introduce bloom nutes. But simply feed her grow nutes until the first flowers appear and then gently introduce bloom nutes...
What is your favorite growing medium for autoflowers and why?
I'm looking to continue broadening my horizons with my next grow when I get more seeds. I'm pondering which method I want to try or if I'm going to stick with what I've got going on already.
All mediums will work. But go with what you feel confident working with. Hydro typically has faster vegetative growth which can be good for getting the plants as big as they can be...but I'm not comfortable with dwc. As for soil, that is in my opinion the best because i know how to use it, and i love dirt.....but I agree with Dinafem when they say to always add 1/3 aeration material, coco, perilite, pumice.
I prefer soil because it is more does part of the work for me. It retains water, nutrients etc. So if I don't water one day it's ok...if i don't feed one day its ok. But soiless...if you don't feed, you can be screwed pretty quick.
Do you guys leave all of your fans on all the time? I do but I'm wondering if I should. My best fan is getting hot hot hot however, if I turn it off I'm afraid it'll be too hot in my room or the air will get stag.
What do you do? Rotate fans? Turn em off for a bit each day or?
Приветствую, бро! 👋 вентиляторы обдувающие растение должны работать постоянно! Никогда не отключайте обдув, во избежание застоя воздуха, повышения влажности и появления плесени. Кроме всего, постоянный обдув стимулирует растение на создание толстых и коротких ветвей, по которым быстрее будут транспортироваться необходимые элементы в растении! 👌😇👍 Удачи, бро!
I noticed this today while checking my beauties. What is this? I noticed 1-2 sugar leaves towards the top yellowing and then these that almost look like they are wilting.
Had a read through your diary Seems like a nitrogen or some sort of nutrient lock out, what’s your ph at?
Maybe you have salt build up and need a flush. Did you give a PH water only buffer before transitioning to flower nutrients? Are you feeding with nutrients every time your plant needs water?
I know you said your feeling lighter then the schedule recommends but it’s likely its still building up if your. It allowing a PH water only feed at least once between feedings.
Happy growing!
What do you growmies think of these lights? They're LED's, I have 2 of these going and a few other lights. These though, I don't understand much about electrical info. My green seems to like them ok but are they good? I know to the experts out there, this probably seems dumb, but
Приветствую, бро! 👋 Эта лампа - хорошее решение, судя по заявленной характеристике! В ней и красный и ультрафиолетовый спектры, есть 6000-6500k для веги подойдёт, есть инфракрасный для цвета, всё есть бро! Не обращай внимания на спектр зеленого, его не имеют только чистые "мультиспектр" лампы....но это не говорит о их эффективности! 👌 Хорошее решение, бро! Поддерживаю тебя! 👌😇👍 Удачи, друг!
How do you make hash without bags or a press? I got some badly harvested stuff last time I had to buy and it had tons of sugar leaves still. So I pulled them out, froze them, and made this with my own method but they don't stick together very well. I'm curious how y'all do it.
Sorry, I have to ask. A good friend of mine showed me his beauty today. Then he asked it's gender. I had to laugh. I've not seen a male before so I have no clue. So I asked if he minded if I took a couple pics and asked on here. What say you?
I have to keep my dry separate (and concealed) from my growing room. I read an article about making a drying box with a tote and a fan rigged up now I can't find it. How do y'all do it?
Already have a fan and large tote. Just need good tips to get me ready to go when ready.
Clip on a homemade dry box.
This might be the article you had found before. Hope this helps! 🤟😜
I can't get a good pic of it but I've found with loupe a couple black dots here and there one 1 plant. I'm not sure what it is. They aren't moving. This 1 is right on the line of harvesting. What do I do? Not sure but don't wanna risk it either way contaminating my other plants
Hey bro... spidermites leave a little white dot where they were sucking the leaf from underneath. Pinch the leaf incase you do have some bug that left some eggs and crush um. Cheers your getting close.
Is it imperative to put them in the dark before harvesting? I've built myself a dry box that will keep them dark, cool, and the air circulating. I still have plants growing so I can't off the lights and I don't have anywhere else to set them.
Leaving some leafs on while drying can help increase the drying time which some people like to and perfer to do. It helps keep them from drying out too quickly. I'd only leave a few here and there but trim off say 80% of them. The box should be fine, Just keep it cool in a spot with the right humidity level.. that will be the key.. Box looks great! 👊
I'm more of an up and keep moving, mom of the house, kind of smoker. Harvesting with mostly cloudy with a beginning of some amber speck is where I want to be right? Just want to triple check before I go forward.
The ease of a washing machine wins 😂 I'm going to try every single method and I love y'all for the answers and tips but the ease man .... gotta love it when you're already short on time and in actual pain.