Still taking about 3-4 days to dry out. Most likely due to my lack of adding extra perlite when starting. I think this is causing some pretty big fluctuations in humidity. Going to get a dehumidifier this week with a controller to try and stabilize the grow tent and possibly dry the smart pots faster. Im watering 2 times between each feeding, trying to take it slow with nutes to ensure no issues during flower. All in all I'm feeling pretty good about the progress, as I'm really starting to see the buds coming in and growing in size.
Can anyone provide some inside into what these spots on the leaf may be from? I know there was slight nute burn as multiple tips have indicated, but this is the only leaf I've seen with these spots. Thanks in advance!
@PatMcCrotch, I appreciate it man. Just praying I don't mess this up lol. Having a blast learning, and crossing my fingers I eventually get to reap the rewards!