Prime time growing right now. I think the combo of the weather and the roots reaching the super soil has inspired some vigorous growth.
Definitely noticed some thrip an/or leaf hopper damage to a leaf or two on 4 plants. I’ve spotted 4 thrips and 2 leaf hoppers across all of the plants this week, although the overall damage throughout the greenhouse would suggest that there are more (even still, the damage is not that bad. The Wedding Cake all show the least amount of damage with none on this one and next to nothing on the other WC plants.
Fed them a bunch of beneficial nematodes and did 2 nights of spinosad followed by three nights of neem, and then one more night of spinosad. Hopefully that gets things back in check.
I’ll be feeding a compost tea tomorrow morning.
Removed some of the straw top covering since the weather has cooled back down.
Daylight hours are disappearing quick! Not sure of the sex, but last year this seed stock produced 4 females from 4 seeds, so i feel pretty good that it’s feminized. Unknown though since the seeds came from a rec store purchase.