
Stolen plant, I'm sorry baby

4 years ago
Room Type
weeks 5-8
weeks 6-8
Grow medium
8 L
Pot Size
Grow Conditions
Week 9
12 hrs
Light Schedule
8+ conditions after
Commented by
Thatsmyfirsttime Thatsmyfirsttime
4 years ago
She got stolen. That's it folks. I feel like I could kill that bastard. And I even know who did it. But I can't do anything because I have no evidence. She was stolen in those 3 days I was out of town, meaning that the asshole was spying on my moves. I tried to talk to him, but I couldn't be aggressive because the little shit is always among other people... Let's learn from my mistake: next year I will put a better locker (it was my property for God sake), I will install a small camera and I won't be friends with desperate people for pity. Because yes, he's a desperate hole to whom I even found a job. Anyway, sorry guys for the language, but I'm really angry right now. I hope this will be useful to someone. Be careful to little shits. Oh yes, he even stole the fucking watering system, if the plants weren't enough you know? Ps, enjoy selling legal cbd weed in Italy you cheap bastard❤️ 17/9/20 I left a paper note in a place I know the thief will look. It says: "Dear thief, 1) you're a piece of shit 2) it was legal weed, you imbecil 3) I know who you are AND I know how I will take my revenge 4) please kindly chocke while you smoke it With love" I know it's not like having the plants back, but it feels good. And believe me, my revenge may come slow, but will be terrible. Now I'm already looking for a solution to grow next season, since I clearly can't trust growing outdoor anymore. I'll see if I can go indoor, but I fear not.
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FR_PhenoFindercommentedweek 34 years ago
à propos de la structure trop aérée de ton sol par rapport aux arrosages je te conseille de mettre un bon gros paillage au dessus de ton pot, tu n'auras plus ces problems
Thatsmyfirsttimecommented4 years ago
@FR_PhenoFinder, wow ok perfect, your re so kind :)
FR_PhenoFindercommented4 years ago
@Thatsmyfirsttime, No it is carbon matter really good you can add like a 1/3 of mowed lawn and you'll have a perfect mulch
Thatsmyfirsttimecommented4 years ago
@FR_PhenoFinder, oh ok! I thought it may have been too poor or light
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FR_PhenoFindercommentedweek 74 years ago
Tu vas les laisser un mois sans aide? Tu connais pas qqn qui peut venir jeter un coup d'oeil?
FR_PhenoFindercommented4 years ago
@Thatsmyfirsttime, Nice to know !
Thatsmyfirsttimecommented4 years ago
@FR_PhenoFinder, hey :) I have the automatic watering system going on and a friend checking on them twice a week :) unfortunately he's not a weed fan and knows nothing about LST and defoliation so he's just there to check if they're good. As far as today, they're doing great :)
Organomancommentedweek 93 years ago
Sorry to read that your plant grew legs and ran away, karma will get the thief. I read in your diary that you have a big oak tree in your yard. Have you ever thought about building a camouflaged shelf up in the tree and growing your cannabis up there, if possible? Most people will never look up in the trees and it will be well hidden. It is very easy to set up a small hose that runs up the trunk to the pot. You may even be able to let it grow free and wild without any training. I wish you much better luck with your future grows and remember, never show or tell anyone you have plants!
Thatsmyfirsttimecommented3 years ago
@ORGANOMAN, hi :) thank you for your kind message! Unfortunately the oak is about 15 metres high so it'd be very difficult to set up a guerrilla grow up there 😢 i personally took care of the thief's karma 😁
Canna96commentedweek 54 years ago
Looking strong so far! Good luck the rest of the way!!
Thatsmyfirsttimecommented4 years ago
@Canna96, thank you 😊😊