Day 36. So far so good. Feed General Organics Bio Thrive and Bio Bud at half dose and got a lil nite burn. Lights still not up all the way. 520 watts. Keep bumping then up slowly til I reach max of 650wm watts. Any suggestions are welcome.
@Canna96, thank you. Learning curve is huge. But I have really enjoyed growing so far. To get good, really good, will take years of experience. Shout out to all the peeps that have this growing thing down to a science. I'm very impressed with a bunch of diaries on here.
First grow. So with all my research and using RO water I neglected to figure out I needed to supplement with CalMag. Caught it immediately after spotting first yellow spot on leaves. Still learning. But honestly a rookie mistake.
@Luke123, Coast Of Maine Liquid Squid. Roots Organics Bloom Tea. General Organics line also. Been mixing it up as far as not feeding same nutes everytime. Also went with half RO water and half well water. They seem to enjoy the mix alot better than straight RO water. I'm 5 gallon bucket mixing nutes kinda guy lol. 18 plants ends up being alot of work
@TRAIN1967, I did the same , researched.researched and still forgot calmag . They look really good by the way.
What sort of feed do you have set up ? Do you hand feed from top ?