
RQS Royal Dwarf- 1st time budget grow.

Approved by Royal Queen Seeds
4 years ago
Room Type
weeks 4-12
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 11
18 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
Onandon Onandon
4 years ago
Welcome to day 74 ( in soil ) for my two plant lockdown budget grow. Plant 2 was flushed on the 8th and again 9th week anniversary. On the 10th anniversary it placed in a dark box with a fan for 48 hours prior to being chopped as I expected it to have finished. At the time 90% of pistils were brown but only 2-3% of the Trichomes were amber. I just checked it over and there was no change to the appearance with 90% brown pistils and 2-3% amber trichomes. I expected to see much more amber in the trichomes so obviously I went too soon on this one. I put it back in the tent and I’ll monitor daily for progress. Basic noob mistake but I am a noob so it’s part of the learning process. I’m not going to flush plant 1 but I stopped adding any nutrients to the water on week 9. It’s all milky now with 5% amber so i’ll chop once I see a decent amount more amber showing on the Trichomes. Not sure when this will be as the pistols are still 90% white so I’ll monitor daily. The opposite problem I have with the other plant. The leaves are continuing to turn yellow. This concerned me last week as it started overnight and looked severe but the plants fine and so think it’s just finishing off before harvest. I’m not gonna lie, the drying process has been filling me with dread since I started the grow. I don’t want to screw up at such a late stage. Another week. More mistakes and challenges but I’m learning and enjoying the process. I just picked up a 120x120 tent so I’m looking for a new led light and growing on a bigger scale next time.
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Grow Questions
Onandonstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hi all. Plant 1 is 19 days in soil -21 days old since germination Hight is 10cm and main leaves are 14cm wide . There are loads of new leaves forming so if it too soon to start LST ? Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks
Techniques. LST
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Bloombusteranswered grow question 4 years ago
Привет, бро! 👋😇 Ты уже можешь начинать её тренировать, друг! Гни главный ствол в сторону края горшка, направляй верхушку в горизонтальную плоскость! Когда будут отрастать её ветки, растягивай их в противоположные стороны краёв горшка и фиксируй их на краю горшка! вот ссылка на мой дневник: зайди в 5 неделю и посмотри 3 фото, это пример того, как тебе необходимо растягивать её ветки! Но в этом дневнике для основного ствола я применял технику HST supercrop! Обрати внимание только на ветки, куда я их направляю и как они зафиксированы! Ты можешь просмотреть мой прогресс далее в неделях и убедиться в эффективности моего решения! 😇👌 Удачи, брат! ✊😇
Onandonstarted grow question 4 years ago
Day 24 and yellow / brown leaf tips. I wrote a full overview in my diary entry this week. Plant had yellow lower leaf tips from week 2. Added coffee for nitrogen. Tent temp hit 33c due to fan issue and plant had yellow-brown but other plant is fine. What’s up with it ?
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
Leaves. Color - Yellow
GMSgrowsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hey bro. I imagine you were watering with a little bit of a high ph at first? Reason for the yellowing leafs. If it were me, I would be watering to runoff now every time you water. Check your first bit of water to see were your ph is at., also check your ec see where thats at. I always keep an eye on runoff ph and ec to make sure that its in check. Makes a smoothe grow. Make sure to let the top dry down and inch between waterings now as well. Cheers friend
Onandonstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hi all. I’m confused. My soil is 6.5 and my water is 6.5 but the run off is in the 4s. The plants aren’t liking this so what’s going on? My feed is easy boost by RWS, you mix with the soil and it feeds for the duration. Any ideas where this could be going wrong? Thanks
Feeding. Other
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Experimentgreenanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hello friend Some ingredients will raise your soil ph like dolomite lime, some will lower your soil ph like sulfur products so if that top dressing nutrients has any of those ph lowering elements you may want to counteract them with a dolomite lime to raise the ph slightly.
Onandonstarted grow question 4 years ago
Can, should I defoliate the plant to allow light to the lower buds. It’s day 52 so not sure if this will hinder bud development. I’ve already LSTed the branches out as much as I can and tucked as many leaves as possible. Thanks 😊
Buds. Other
Techniques. Defoliation
sndwichanswered grow question 4 years ago
Always defoil just don't go crazy all at once, couple of leaves a day should be fine x
Onandonstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hi all. In the last 48 hours there has been a few lower leaves which have lightened in colour to a yellow. The whole leaf has changed at the same time so I’m not sure if this is an indication of an issue or if the leaves are being drained before the final ripening. Thanks 😊
Leaves. Color - Yellow
DeadwebsiteBoringcommunityanswered grow question 4 years ago
After a certain point into flower.. It's like she won't put energy into leaves.. She is trying to put mass on.. Using some of available nitrogen in the foliage.. She looks balanced and healthy.. Add more bloom nutes won't change the colour of the foliage..
Onandonstarted grow question 4 years ago
I have read that some growers give their plants 24-48 darkness before harvest. Is this BS or good practice ?
Other. General questions
DesDeGroweranswered grow question 4 years ago
On last crop I’ve took a sample before 48h darkness and to be honest I could see a difference. If you are not rushing it’s a good thing to try. As well those two days in total dark will force your plant to still use some reserves of “food” from leafs and that will slightly help with drying later on giving you nice smooth smoke
Onandonstarted grow question 4 years ago
Looking for a good budget light for a 4x4 grow. The Voost VST240 looks like a fantastic spec but no real information out there that I can find. Any users? Also considering a Migrow Array when the bigger version hits the market.
Setup. Lighting
rhodes68answered grow question 4 years ago
I can vouch for the Mars Hydro quantum boards the TS-3000 or whatever 3000 they have now will do the job Or go multiples with two 2000s for more flexibility in particular in veg But they are Chinese but then what aint?

Show by Week
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Namlahweek 13
Nice yield mate! I am a week off of harvesting my dwarf and my target is to get 15g. First time grow so just learning like you!
@Namlah, thanks ! You’ve done the hard work so enjoy the final push 👍🏻
Athosweek 8
I took a peak to your previous weeks, it seems you have been regularly over watering (even now), which has kept the plant from taking off. It has signs of over feeding too. Stop feeding that plant and let the pot dry up before watering again,
@@Athos,sorry, one last thing. Were you looking at plant 1 or plant 2 Plant 1 is the bigger and plant 2 the stumpy guy? Plant 2 gets only around 500ml of water every 2 to 3 days or whenever it’s dry. Thanks
@@Athos, noted. I’ll reduce that volume and see what if anything changes. It’s my 1st grow so I appreciate the input from someone with experience
@Onandon, 1 liter every 24 hours is a lot of water for a plant that size
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ADHD2THCweek 13
Duuuuuuuudeeee. This diary has me rolling. From your first entry of "leave well enough alone" to the lego people inserted in the pics you had me hooked. So happy to see another first time grower and I'm glad you're learning so much! My first grow is also Royal Dwarf and I've learned so much from your entries. Thanks for that! Hopefully you've saved me some mistakes. Looking forward to seeing your harvest and happy growing mate.
@Onandon, good on ya! Congrats on such on amazing grow!
@ADHD2THC, hey man, I’m glad it’s helpful and entertaining. I wanted to write it in a way that it recorded everything and I can go back when I grow my remaining Dwarf seeds. I harvested the bigger guy this week so this diary is nearly complete. I’m blown away by how much the plant produced given it was only 35 cm high. I think mistakes are important if you really want to learn how to do something - unless its making a nuclear warhead 😂 Enjoy the journey and reach out if I can help in anyway
@ADHD2THC, cheers man 👍🏻 I wrote it so I can hopefully help people but also so I can look back and see what I did and didn’t do. I harvested the bigger plant this week and for a 35cm tall plant I’m surprised at the mount it produced. Spoiler - over 300grams wet.
Ferencweek 12
Nice thick :) @Onandon
@Ferenc, yer boi, it’s fat. Only 35cm tall but super chunky.
Tweezerweek 5
Very Strong looking grow!!! 💯
@Tweezer,thanks 👍🏻 The big guy is packed full of new growth. I’m running out of space to tuck and LST. It’s so compact and tightly packed. Hey, I’m not complaining 😜
CannaReloadweek 5
Looks very good Bro 🤙 I think the little one will be grow as a Big Nugget 😬 Keep On growing and stay save
@CannaReload, hopefully he’ll grow a 100g beer can size nugg 😜
decamweek 2
sieht gut aus 👍👌
@@decam, thanks man. Still early days but we’re doing ok. Already thinking about a new grow light for version 2.0 👍🏻