Depuis le 30mai les Pots sont sous HPS 600W (60cm de l’apex). Installation d’ un ventillo en vitesse 1. La temperature de la piece monte, ca commence a etre limite
Il y a des petits insectes (petites fourmies noires volantes, mini fourmis noires, pucerons sous les feuilles, peut-etre meme des thrips, et quelques autres)
Preparation d’ une solution : 1L eau + petite cuillere copeaux de savon noir briochin + 4ML d’ huile de neem
=> vaporisation intense (tous les 2j) attention a ne pas vaporiser les buds car elles commencent tout juste a entrer en phase de floraison
=> lavage de chaque feuille une a une recto-verso avec un tissus himbibe ! (sera a refaire 1 fois/semaine mini)
To be fair this is about the yeild I would expect from an autoflower, maybe could have got a bit more bud if you left it to grow for another week or two.
@coccinelle, I think the buds might have doubled in size at the top and it might have had a bit more of a body stone as well. But its more if you are happy with the end product as really thats what counts. It doesnt smell of Hay/Cucumber when you smoke it does it?
@NexusDevil, I had personal constraints and could not bear the strong smell anymore.
How much more do you think I could have expected? something like +20%?
At that time the trichomes looked good. Is it possible that they would have matured too much with another week or two?