04 juin 2020 [C+31] semaine 5 DEBUT DE FLO : [F+1] debut FloSemaine FloSem1
Depuis plusieurs semaines, je sors les pots le matin et les rentre le soir : lumiere artificielle jusqu’ a minuit, puis break jusqu’à 06h00, puis lumiere artificielle jusqu’ a ce qu’ elles retournent dehors
Probleme : beaucoup de temps tres nuageux et meme de la pluie regulierement => les Pots passent quelques journees complement a l’ interieur (ce qui a du créer des conditions favorables aux insectes car l’ humidite et la chaleur y sont eleves)
Le debut de FLO coincide +/- avec le debut-mi semaine 5 => disons le mercredi 3 juin
Pour me donner une idee, voila une 1ere planification de recolte:
Pot #1 et #2 (QuickOne : Flowering time 5-6weeks): semaine 9-10 => a partir du 1er juillet
Pot #3 (Royal AK Auto: Flowering time 5-7weeks) semaine 9-11 => a partir du 1er juillet
Pot #4 (Royal Dwarf: Flowering time 6-7weeks) semaine 10-11 => a partir du 8er juillet
Elles ont fait un etirement important:
4 juin
Pot #1 66cm
Pot #2 72cm
Pot #3 60cm
Pot #4 48cm
6 juin
Pot #1 76cm
Pot #2 82cm
Pot #3 60cm
Pot #4 48cm
8 juin:
Pot #1 82cm
Pot #2 83cm
Pot #3 63cm
Pot #4 58cm
To be fair this is about the yeild I would expect from an autoflower, maybe could have got a bit more bud if you left it to grow for another week or two.
@coccinelle, I think the buds might have doubled in size at the top and it might have had a bit more of a body stone as well. But its more if you are happy with the end product as really thats what counts. It doesnt smell of Hay/Cucumber when you smoke it does it?
@NexusDevil, I had personal constraints and could not bear the strong smell anymore.
How much more do you think I could have expected? something like +20%?
At that time the trichomes looked good. Is it possible that they would have matured too much with another week or two?