Day 8 and Ogri is in top health with dark green, broad, indica leaves. Just a slight nick in one, probably caused when I helped the seed casing off. Nothing to worry about. Now that the leaves are photosynthesising nicely I expect a good spurt in growth. I find that if an auto's leaves spread right across their 15L pot in 14 days, then they are doing well. Any more growth than that and it's all gravy! I'm in soil so I won't feed until about day 21, just tap water. I haven't experimented with anything to help my roots in this stage of growth but I am growing organically. After the initial pre-soaking of the soil I've added very little water so far: just a small cupfull around the seedling on day 5. The more plants I've grown the less I end up watering them. I try to keep it so that the whole plant pot feels about a quarter full when I pick it up: always on the dryish side with the plant always hunting for water. They like that. If you keep the pot heavy with water then the roots are first to suffer and growth slows down or even stops.
So endeth todays waffle. TTFN