The plants are adjusting well to their new fabirc pot/soil/lighting. Plenty of beautiful healthy growth, however I am monitoring some slight tip yellowing on some lower leaves.
Carebearz: Both ladies started stretching and pre-flowering. One is 11inch and the other 9 inches.
Mandofruit: It took roughly a week longer to identify sex. I tossed one male and have one female that is only about 6 inches. **popped 2 more seeds a few days ago since it looked like very likely that I had 2 males
Finally found someone else using LED bulbs to grow their cannabis. Will be following this grow and using it as a comparison to my own. These look amazing btw 👌🏾 How'd you determine the sex so early?
Thanks, dude. the household LEDs in a cheap multi-light fixture work great for any plant seedling. I got a free 1800w x6(really 300w) blurple, so I actually switched to that once the plants showed sex around week 3-4. The females were easy to tell, they had white pistils early. The males were harder since I hadn't seen one before. I knew it was a male when I had multiple pistachio shaped sacs where every other plant had pistils "hairs." Good luck!