End of Week 2 from Seed: Being fed with 1/4 tsp Cal Mag & 1/8 tsp Mega Crop per 1 gallon. Generously watering every other day with the same 1 gallon of nutes [6.5pH, 350ppm, 75.2F].
Yes week 5 is EC and PH stacking caused buildup in your medium. Since I want to automate watering I'm learning about this and discovering how watering frequency of a somewhat constant content and duration is how you control a stable PH and gradually rising EC in your grow.
The beginning of this recent video shows a good example of steering feeding just keep in mind you have to analyze your own grow medium.
Noticed after vigorous growth in week3 seems there was a stunting between week 3 and 4 possibly from too much dry-back and not enough microbial activity.