These are 3 clones I got from a family friend, so no clue about the genetics beyond "gorilla glue". I grew them inside (where I had some thrip and pH issues delaying growth) for a bit over a month, and moved them outside May 30th. I topped once, and supercropped once before bringing them outside. During the first 2 weeks of being outside I did some LST to encourage lateral growth, and they took to becoming dense shrubs pretty well.
For most of June I rarely had to water them; they got some rain and seemed to just sip the water. Starting about 2 weeks ago they got much thirstier, and I first had to do 3 gallons/plant every 2 days, and the last 3 waterings were 5 gal/plant and 2-3 days apart each time.
Looking through previous outdoor growers reports, most in my area see flowers forming in mid August. October weather can be a real crap shoot where I live, so I light-proofed my shed and starting last night (Jul 19th) I'm moving them in there over night to give them 12 hours of dark. I'll do this for at least 3 weeks, but will likely continue until I hear of other locals with outdoor photos showing bud. The dolly I have to help move them has really small wheels which sucks for going over grass. Further complicating things, because of two narrow spots just a bit wider than the stake width I need to push the dolly rather than pull. Assuming that there isn't an early flower season that occurs, I've gained 2-3 weeks against October weather.
Because of the narrow passages I mentioned, I decided to stake and support the girls, and needed to remove the lowest growth that was only growing outward, and too far outward at that. It's a bit sad; previously they were all ~36" wide, and now they're ~28. There's also some people asking for clones, so I'll likely take a few cuttings since flowering hasn't really started. I just wish I knew yesterday; I took off so much vegetation, especially from down below; I could easily have done the 15 clones I can handle in my setup.
Problem is mainly occurring on leaves near the top, but not the newest growth. Initially are less green, then start to yellow followed with brown spots. The oldest leaves near the bottom are seeing some effects, but as acute as the mid-upper leaves. Curl likely due to warm temp