Fredohcommentedweek 15 years ago
Hey Bethperl, i'm only using rain water instead of tap from now on. Gmslave pointed out tap water can be to hard for cana.
They will always search for light, so you could keep'em stagnant. I turn my plants a quarter clockwise everyday so every part of the plant is getting enough light.
(growing indoors so it might be not that usefull for you).
In terms of moisty soil, try to pick up your plants everyday to get a good impression how heavy they are... The more weight, the more water...
Also, i put my finger in the soil 2-3cm (1 inch), if the soil stick to your finger you're good, is it possible to blow the dust of of your finger -> water time!
I always water my plants during "the night", less chance of burning leaves.
I'm new to the game, so correct me if I'm wrong!
Eager to learn and to grow ;)
Keep on growing everyone!
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