i think it might be a last week for one bucket.................but no rush....................................no more rush............. funniest thing that my comment is still to short................ gotta try more dots.....................and about the grow its a repetition............... waiting game.................about 85 days left.............................................they got into the big room on 23.08
@grzesiekkuzniak, I use marshydro tls2000 LED. not sure if it's powerful enough, now I only put 2 plant in my tent instead of 3 previously.
any suggestions which light to get? I am thinkng of bud DC girls scout gum it looks nice
@grzesiekkuzniak,I find it easy to move the Plants from little to big boxes / buckets , so I use the net pots , I cut the same size hole in every pot ( starter / finisher ) then I can transplant them easily, you don’t really want a 20 litre reservoir on a seedling 🌱 and the roots can flourish in smaller systems