@victor_lion, que pena, pero ahora tendrás buen polen! Creciendo sus semillas propias es el mejor! Buena suerte en futuro
Now you’ll have pollen! Grow your own seeds.
@growdoctordc, tienes razón tiene el cuerpo de una hembra, pero ya han pasado varias semanas desde que empezaron a brotar pre flores y no veo ningún pelito sólo bolitas , ya me resigne que es macho
Pai, parece una hembra, pero hay que esperar hasta los flores crecen a ver por seguro. ¡Que bella!
Looks like a girl, but you have to wait for flowers to confirm. Beautiful!
@Andres, actually it says 100% indica and not being an autoflower it has 0% of ruderalis. But it was those 90% that I was interested in. Coming from two parent plants I'd really like to see what are the parents genetics when combined they make 90% of anything :)
It does look like overwatering, but I'm just doing my first grow now and I'm experiencing problems in all my babies, I'm hoping I catch it or someone here is able to offer tips lol. Yours does look like overwatering though. How often are you watering?
@vancitybuzz, watering every 2 or 3 days, right now the sun is hitting very hard in Mexico City and the land dries very fast, I do not think it is a problem of irrigation, I have two other plants of the same age and they are perfect. now I will take a look at your growth aver if I can help you, Regards
Hola desde el otro hemisferio, estaré atento haber como evoluciona. Yo las he empezado a germinar hace 4 días y de momento todo correcto. La tuya tiene muy buen color y tamaño aunque yo le iría quitando las hojas mas grandes en los nodos en los que ya ha empezado a ramificar para que estas ramificaciones se desarrollen. Un saludo
bro :( im afraid it looks like pollen sacs. I had the same when I grew my first plant, so I directly recognize the shape :(( its too round for a pistil. But preserve the leaves! they look so dope 👌
I'd like to chime in here to ask a few questions. The answers may provide you with insight into what to expect.
1.) It appears you are growing outside so, I'm assuming you live in a climate which doesn't have mad seasonal swings. Part of this question is, if outdoors, what LAT/LONG & Elevation?
EXAMPLE: Los Angeles: (largest city) 34º 03' N, 118º 14' W - Altitude: 87m | 285ft
EXAMPLE: Kabul, Afghanistan, 34.50998N - 69.18527E - Altitude: 1803m | 5916ft
These differences make quite a difference in how a Landrace strain grows naturally.
While the Latitudes are comparable, the Longitude & more importantly, Altitude is important.
Kinda like transplanting an Antartic Penguin to Los Angeles. Unless able to duplicate their living conditions, they won't thrive & may possibly die
2.) Growing Medium & nutrients provided. The same theory applies.
Soil & Rainfall of Afghanistan must also be matched as closely as possible.
If I might suggest, join Landrace Preservation Society Worldwide on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1112619178870679/ .
They will be your best resource of information on how to successfully grow your Hindu Kush in your Location. Good Luck! Oh BTW, if you do have a Male, preserve as much pollen as possible. The folks on Facebook may trade you seeds for pollen.