a few missed LST trial updates ♡ . C.R is rly lovin the Micro P- DWC test - quiet heavy on the nutes! a thirsty girl.) C.R 2 Sown directly into p.dwc looking stunning with thoughs fat NL indi looking leaves.
And the AK form within later leaf formation is buetifal to see , realy such awesome diversity in her liniage. Alot of respects to the old school genetics (We need to keep tjem alive and as true as we can this one rly hits home when I habe a smoke. somewhere between A nice NL #2 and og feelings to the high. uplifting yet packs that indica puch to the body as borthern lights always dose for myself. (7 days apart for reffrence) also c.r 1 was a transplant vs direct sow) ✌️