Coming into week 3 off an amazing first two weeks. I was nervous last week because she droops for a while after the lights come back on, but nonetheless her growth is fantastic.
She is growing bushy with lots of lush green vegetation. Her nodes are stacked closely together; no stretching at all. Her stems turned a deep purple color and she smells fruity.
She will get topped this week. I was planning to top above the 4th node, but I may top above the 5th instead, because her 6th node is already coming in. We’ll see.
✅Day 15: Gave 64oz of water. For the first time there was a small amount of runoff. Now I know for sure the soil is thoroughly damp. I’ll let her dry good before watering again.
✅Day 16: No water. Her 6th node was well enough established for me to squeeze in there with the clippers and top her above the 5th node. ✂️ Let’s see how she handles it.
✅Day 17: No water. It’s been one day since she was topped and she hasn’t slowed down one bit. Growth has been fantastic over the past 24h. She is strong! 💪 💪
✅Day 18: Gave 64oz of water. She is growing very compact and bushy. Lots of new branch growth hidden underneath. I did as much leaf tucking as possible to expose it.
✅Day 19: No water. We are officially in pre-flower! 🤗 Lots of small pistils are growing from the calyxes at the base of her growth tips. I first noticed them 3 days ago.
✅Day 20: No water. She is growing rapidly. Started the week at 2.5” tall and now 7” tall even after topping her 4 days ago. Pistils are growing in the ends of her growth tips now.
✅Day 21: Gave 96oz of water. No runoff. Even more pistils showing in her growth tips now. She is getting close to flowering. I did LST and defoliation today!
Week 3 is a wrap. The LST and defoliation happened 1.5 days sooner than planned, but I decided not to wait because she was so bushy. The 2 lowest branches weren’t growing due to lack of light and space. I wanted to get those 2 branches growing ASAP because she is close to flowering. The remaining 8 branches were bent horizontally, and the fan leaf at the base of each of those branches was removed. This opened her up very nicely. The 2 lowest branches that are stalled now have full access to direct light. ☀️
I was too aggressive when bending 2 of the middle branches which caused them to slightly separate from the main stem. 😢 This obviously isn’t ideal, but the injury looks minor.
I was worried LST and defoliation at the same time might be too much stress, but one hour later all the horizontal tips already bent back vertically towards the light and she ended this week strong!
@Doktorholland, yes, for now. This way I don’t have to worry about upgrading my light when I decide to grow more plants at a time or when I get a larger tent. In the meantime, I could always dim it if needed. 😎
@Fruitgrower, we’ll see how it turns out in the end. 😉 She seems very healthy. And very good progress compared to other diaries of this strain in soil.
Looking great! Humidity is low though, i'd bump it up to the higher 50s!
My first girls were more droopy with 40% RH due to makeshift closet and once i got a proper setup and 50%+ they were mad perky n stoked!
Otherwise making really great headway into the beautiful girls! 👽
@xbabybitchx, thanks! I recently started watering every 3rd day. At the 3rd day, the pot feels very light and the top inch or two is almost completely dry. 64 ounces of water at the 3rd day wets the soil thoroughly, but not so much where there is runoff. I think the watering is dialed in now. 🙂 She is always droopy when the lights come on, but she eventually perks up very nicely about halfway into the day period and stays perky until the lights go out. 🤷♂️
@Automaniac, OK so i'm still also a noobie, this is my 4th grow, But when I look back at your previous posts some things stand out.
You are watering pretty frequently and your heat is high.
Plants can get droopy n sad when over watered as well as underwatered. Sticky line to walk haha.
I would try increasing your humidity as well as letting her dry out a bit more between watering just to see if there is any change.
My first grow I thought iIwasn't watering enough and turns out I actually was drowning her.
Good luck!!!! :)
@xbabybitchx, thanks for the kind words! I appreciate it. 🙂 I thought about humidity too. The humidity inside the tent rises to 55% for 6 hours while the lights are off. However, the plant droops even more so during that time, so I thought maybe low humidity isn’t what is causing the drooping in my case. Thoughts?
Was the bud airy?? Did you bud wash or something to increase wet weight ? I’m just blown away by the 28 oz wet weight to 3.5 oz dry.. it lost 87.5% in dry and cure, damn. gorgeous buds tho! Congrats
@Automaniac, that makes sense.. I’ve learned the hard way and lost a few ounces to mold going in jars too quick, even with a huge boveda bag in there .. makes sense!! Amazing looking buds tho like I said!
@Ezzjaybruh, this was my first grow and I was so worried about the buds getting moldy that I erred on the side of caution and ended up drying the buds a tad bit longer than I should have. They have been curing for 2 months and still seem a bit too dry. The smoke is still a pleasure, but looking back the yield would have certainly been heavier if I popped them into the jars a day or two sooner.
I agree with GreenBean / be careful not to overwater. As I learnt from a pro on this community, if the leaves are drooping and look puffy between the veins you have almost certainly overwatered her.
@Tripledrop, it’s also worth mentioning that she starts drooping while in the dark period and then perks up again, every day, about 10-12 hours after the lights come back on. From what I’ve read, it’s not uncommon to have droopiness during lights out. Just not sure why it would take her 10-12 hours to perk back up after the lights come back on.
@Tripledrop, great tip on looking for puffiness between the veins. Thank you! 😎 She is really starting to grow very fast now. Looking at some LST soon.