@LaFrenchCulture, Let's hope so!! I did put the 2 in pots in my greenhouse and I haven't watered them for a week but yet the substrate is completely soaked and some roots are not white soo I am a bit worried !
@Weedseedsexpress, Hey there I hope you are doing well, I noticed mold on it 1 week ago, I did save one bud, but the rest got composted ! The smell was pretty good ! And she was some sticky icky ! I am still very busy manicuring my Sugar Tits and my GDA. Thank you for stopping and asking tho !!
@Weedseedsexpress, Hey there sorry I have had problems logging into the website and have been occupied harvesting and trimming one of my ladies, thank you for checking up on them, I will update it soon, have a good day :)