@Bignugz420, congratulations on the harvest mate. Will look out for some dry bud shots :)
Well done and enjoy that dank and frosty end product ;)
Kind regards
@Bignugz420, That's the best way my friend. Let the plant grow and dictate when to switch to bloom :)
Your at 9 week into the flower phase. The buds are exploding and great to see that you have started the final phase flush :)
This will force the plant to use up all stored nutrients whilst leaving a nice clean end product free of unwanted chemicals :)
Great update :) plants looking terrific :)
Kind regards
Another HSO adventure up and running on the grow diary platform and I'll be along for the ride and watching with interest mate :)
Let the flower show begin :)
Kind regards
@Humboldt_Seed_Organisation, yea mango sapphire and lemon kush headband both look amazing!! The headband has me very interested bc it's almost like a light gold dusting on her. Mango sapphire did the same thing last run
@Bignugz420, You will love our black d.o.g my friend and you are getting very close to the finish line with this current crop :)
Looking fantastic and trichome production is in full swing :)
Kind regards
@Humboldt_Seed_Organisation, I'll have to look into them but black dog is definitely one of my favorite to look at so I think I am going to run her next hso run I have so many genetics built up I am a bean holder I have had a c 99 beam for over a year now
@bobo420, thank you I'll be updating more often now I should have added week 2-4 but forgot I still have pic bc this light is a prototype so I am document the entire grow for a full review