I had to go visit some family last weekend, so hand watering was not an option. I bought an auto watering device from amazon, and it worked exactly as advertised. I set it to feed 75ml every 3hrs non stop. When I got back the tray was 1/4 of the way full with nutrient and the plants were all looking great; I sucked the remaining nutrients out of the tray. Currently, my set up is 150ml every 3hrs, two hours after the lights come on. I have the pump on a timer now, it stops the water just after lights out to have 80% dry back by the morning. I found that a few leaves were blocking light from potential cola sites, so gave it a light defoliation. I have the lights turned up full now and they seem to be doing fine, day two. I don't think I soaked the terrafibre blocks properly because they are bone dry and will not retain any water whatsoever. The slab underneath seems to be holding up well and holding a tremendous amount of water. I thought the cubes would be good after a few hours but it turns out they really need a good 24 hour soak. I put them into flower last night, I can't wait to see it all turning to buds!