These babies popped out of their seeds within 12 hours in a glass of water. They were under a fish lamp small LED for the first 4 days as was still waiting for the tent to arrive. I had a third one but it didn’t seem to take so I disposed of it and started a new seed which is for my friend to eventually grow in her garden.
I had them on a 24 hour light cycle at 75% for the first few days before purchasing a automatic light switcher off and changing it to 6/2/6/2/6/2
They were fed tap water the first week and ph wasn’t checked. Also first feed with tap water until I changed it to distilled water and correctly checked ph levels. Pretty sure their first feed was too early and both scored some nutrient burn or maybe the ph was incorrect and the first leaves showed signs of brown tips and yellowing. Haven’t seen any do it since and avoided feeding them again for 2 days with a less amount of nutrients then was was listed.