Things are going pretty good in the tent. Knowing that these are photos I took the opportunity to top the 2 Northern Lights. I didn't top the Strawberry cough, wanted to give it another week to adjust from it's old home to it's new one. Something I forgot to add last week was I transplanted the SC into a 5 gal pot and used ocean forest potting soil. When I got the SC, it was in a one gal pot and needed to be transplanted. I am unsure if trying to use organic dry amendments was working out so I bought Age Old grow and bloom to see if that helps. Maybe I was missing something the plants were needing or not giving enough. I gave a 1/4 dose to see how the plants respond. Slightly worried about the SC as the fertilizer it's used to was specially tailored to the soil and unsure if it will be fussy. Something I have noticed is the SC leaves are softer and have an almost velvety feel to them where the 2 NL feel normal.