➡️10/11 Nothing to say today, that's fine
➡️11/11 Nothing to say today ... let's wait .....
➡️12/11 Today defoliation for white widow, I'm treating it like a photoperiodichia, let's see what comes out of it XD L is still pretty wet, still no water for her. The white instead will be irrigated tomorrow.
➡️13 / 11 Today nothing important, ufff
➡️14/11 0.4 of water to white widow, and a sop of 0.1 to L that does not want to dry out. Damn supermarket ground>. <
➡️15/11 Nothing relevant today, all right. Yeah!
➡️16/11 shippuppy ( nothing relevant).
Ah, I gotcha. I'm new, so my eyes can't quite catch those at initial glance. Hehe. Thank you for the info. There are so many ways to cultivate this plant, it's amazing. Ty
the clones do, they have pistils, but they were taken from the mother plants already in bloom and revegetated under 18/6 of light. The two small ones near the neon are recovering these days, while the two in the 6.5 l pot have taken root a week after cutting and are now already at the sixth internode: D