9/25 Her third week.
Will begin full nutrient schedule this week with tea made from the dr earth fertilizer once per month. The spent fertilizer leaves will then be placed as top dressing.
Will continue weekly top dressing with ground malted barley
All waterings and foliar sprays will contain aloe Vera and silica.
A small amount of fungus gnats have been spotted, will begin treatment with neem oil spray and sticky pads as well as reducing watering frequency.
I also place an exhale co2 generator in the tent.
9/28 no visible signs of fungus gnats after one neem spray treatment.
9/29 first fertilizer application with tea made from dr earth. Applied liquid with 500 tds and 6.5ph approx 5 pints until 20% run off. Also topped dressed with 1/2 cup of the tea bag mulch. Measured runoff at 6.5ph and 700 tds.
10/1 Seems to show some signs of mag deficiency. Ordered some cal-mag and treated with a foliar of 1Tbs /gal of Epsom salts ph’d at 6.5.
10/2 am. Pistils showing. Shows some darkening of color after one foliar epsom spray. Will discontinue foliar since some flowers are here.
Hey man yeah looking around week 6 to me. You can crop her but you will lose some goodness better let her go another week at least before you start the flush :) Great looking plant btw. 👊 The main colas will mature quicker than the other buds due to having more light keep in mind to check various areas of said plant before making any drastic decisions :) Peace out .👌