Shes going great! Definitely the strongest grower so far but she is in the smallest pot so her roots are that bit more at home at the minute.
She seems to be a little sensitive to light also, so I have moved her slightly further away and she has seemed to love it.
I was between two minds about training this lady or not but I have decided to go all out and do some heavy LST. She looks mangled but she will be happier for it down the road.
LST is tricky in such a small pot!
Env is fine. Holding steady.
Watered/Fed(per/l, dechlorinated water)
Root juice 1ml
Algamic 2ml
Fish Mix 1ml
Activera 2ml
Bio-heaven 2ml
Calmag 1ml (every other watering until week 5)
Root juice 1ml
Algamic 2ml
Fish Mix 1ml
Activera 2ml
Bio-heaven 2ml