Had a rough past week.
Experiment plant died. Room got too hot.
New light works wonders, but forgot to calculate temp increases between rooms, plus the increase in temps in our locale.
1.5 days with no love and My husband and I were like oh dang!
Added fan and turned on air. Temps were mid 80s in all rooms. We are watching closely and all rooms (as of now) are back to normal. ๐
Now onto Rabbit Hole: She was stretching more toward the new light and she was furthest from it. We switched her places with the Chernobyl and centered them more under the one new light. She's happy and growing well. She's by far the one who's least harmed by the warmer temps this past week.
I looked really closely at the trichomes and all are still clear. I couldn't locate any clouding up yet. Perhaps she will go much longer in flower. I plan to check throughout the week.