The Billy wizz of weed.
The Roadrunner of Ruderalis.
Mrs Gonzalez herself.
+Speed auto from Sweet seeds has had some work done to her this week.
I felt for her short time she had too many buds to be wasting her energy on so I trimmed a few lower sites away.
I also realised I hadn't given a traditional super crop to any of my recent grows and we'll. As this girl is getting tall anyway, for the space she's in. I thought I'd treat her to double chop, super crop, grow stop, flop top.
Week is alleged harvest week but I can't see it happening?
That said, grow I have going a week younger is a less developed so there is a speed element there for sure.
Let's see where she's at end of the week ✌️🙂
The times indicated are approximate. Plants are living beings and therefore are sometimes unpredictable.
But I'm glad to know that everything is going great.
Sweet smokes!
- Apolo
Thank you very much for trusting our strains, and sharing your experience.
And thank you very much again for the score of 9 out of 10!! 👏😍❤️
We hope you enjoy the harvest 👌
Sweet smokes!