
Twin Critical Kush photo

4 years ago
Critical Kush
Room Type
weeks 13-14
weeks 5, 14
weeks 5, 7, 9, 11, 14
weeks 7
Grow medium
Critical Kush
Custom Breeder & Strain
Growing it
I received some seeds from a friend that he made feminized using some silver thing.......I am sure many of you readers know what I mean simply using the word silver. I am not 100% sure what that is, but I know you have to be careful or you can turn into a smurf. No seriously look it up. We germinated several, some were eaten by crickets......LONG STORY. Some were given away after a couple of weeks and we decided to keep the twin. We had received clones, but have never grown from seed. We thought we had a nice little home for her and she was growing well. However, her life started nicely, but she was really slower growing because we started her under a 20watt LED light to which we thought was a 300 watt. Once we figured out buying lights that say one thing does not mean they produce what they say. She was finally moved into her own room with a nice T5 Fluorescent 400 watt fixture and she was happy. She grew and expanded and we were ecstatic. Into her flowering stage she went after some time. First few weeks were amazing she grew her flowers looks well and then we started having issues. She suffered from heat exhaustion, high PH in soil, bad spider mite problem. (we got right on that one and are prepared should this all happen again.) She literally stopped flowering. Her flowers stopped growing and we waited 3 weeks before deciding just to harvest and use for external purposes. (balm its literally all I make. However, it is amazing!!! LOL) 😂 We did keep a small amount to maybe smoke a bowl or joint, but we are probably not going to. We are very unsure. I mean look at the biggest "bud." It is nothing but hair. I have plenty more seeds and much more knowledge now. I plan to grow her again to see how she can really produce under proper care.
The Outcome
Week 15
What's on the scales?
Bud dry weight
What's on the scales?
Bud wet weight
Number of plants harvested
Grow Room
Grow Room size
g / m²
g / plant
plant / m²
watt / m²
Reviews. Nutrient
Did not start using this until weeks into flower so very unsure. I cannot justify any comment I make for this product base on this particular plants life.
Reviews. Lamp
Reviews. Tent
Commented by
Dotun Dotun
4 years ago
I received some seeds from a friend that he made feminized using some silver thing.......I am sure many of you readers know what I mean simply using the word silver. I am not 100% sure what that is, but I know you have to be careful or you can turn into a smurf. No seriously look it up. We germinated several, some were eaten by crickets......LONG STORY. Some were given away after a couple of weeks and we decided to keep the twin. We had received clones, but have never grown from seed. We thought we had a nice little home for her and she was growing well. However, her life started nicely, but she was really slower growing because we started her under a 20watt LED light to which we thought was a 300 watt. Once we figured out buying lights that say one thing does not mean they produce what they say. She was finally moved into her own room with a nice T5 Fluorescent 400 watt fixture and she was happy. She grew and expanded and we were ecstatic. Into her flowering stage she went after some time. First few weeks were amazing she grew her flowers looks well and then we started having issues. She suffered from heat exhaustion, high PH in soil, bad spider mite problem. (we got right on that one and are prepared should this all happen again.) She literally stopped flowering. Her flowers stopped growing and we waited 3 weeks before deciding just to harvest and use for external purposes. (balm its literally all I make. However, it is amazing!!! LOL) 😂 We did keep a small amount to maybe smoke a bowl or joint, but we are probably not going to. We are very unsure. I mean look at the biggest "bud." It is nothing but hair. I have plenty more seeds and much more knowledge now. I plan to grow her again to see how she can really produce under proper care. 1.5 grams dry to smoke. (if we decide to) Most of harvest is going to be used for balm.
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Grow Questions
Dotunstarted grow question 4 years ago
After a plant has been in flower for 5 weeks and has gone through basically hell for a plant, should we still try to bring her back to life? Heat Exhaustion, High PH in soil, and a drowning to get rid of spider mites. Doesn't look like she's doing anything anymore.
Plant. Other
HighAltitudeOrganicsanswered grow question 4 years ago
For non toxic options (you’re going to consume the flower, right?) : -Diatomaceous earth (non toxic white powder that shreds apart pests, no harm to plants) -Nematodes (you water them into soil, they kill pests from the inside out) -Lady bugs (they eat them up, no harm to plants) -Neem oil - dip your plants or foliar spray application -Essential oils (rosemary, oregano, mint, lemon, orange mixed with water foliar application) Food for thought, do some research on each. Good luck again

Show by Week
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DreamITweek 14
Enjoy the rest of the flowering 🤠👊🍀
Ferencweek 7
Happy Growing! @Dotun
heizenweek 15
Nice grow mate, plants are looking good, keep it up, imma follow this one upclose.