The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
7.62 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
70 %
60.96 cm
600 PPM
I started in hot super soil. I think there was way too many nutrients in it which caused issues. So I took them out and transplanted to normal top soil.
Grow Questions
Overgrothostarted grow question 4 years ago
Is it true that hot (nutrient rich, in this case organic) soil can create nutrient lockout in seedlings? Next time I should only start in jiffy pellets or similar?
Feeding. Deficiences
Mr_Weeds_Autosanswered grow question 4 years ago
Yes, my friend, this is true, if the soil is too hot it basically burns your baby up. Two ways to go about this next time with using the jiffy pellets, the plant can and will recover once it starts getting bigger and can actually intake the amount of nutrient in the soil, or you can just go with a less nutrient-rich soil like Fox Farm Happy Frog which has just enough in it, doesn't burn seedling and has enough nutrient in it for the plant to feed on for at least 3 weeks. Hopefully, I answered your question and remember Happy Growing and Free your mind one puff at a time.
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
7.62 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
70 %
60.96 cm
600 PPM
I am on my second try in a new grow room. I started with top soil (and a handful of vermiculite, super soil) instead of straight super soil this time. It was coming up with the same result: growth very healthy and good UNTIL the 3rd set of leaves start to form. So yesterday I moved all girls into a 50% perlite mix (other 50% is super soil, top soil, worm castings). I know transplanting can be stressful, especially for little seedlings, but I was hoping to see them perked up today. The opposite occurred and as you can see, the two on the bottom have leaves which are curling down on all sides (like a weird 3D leaf formation).
Grow Questions
Overgrothostarted grow question 4 years ago
I noticed that they always deteriorate when the third set of leaves are forming. If these are in fact stunted from the nutrient lock out due to hot soil, does it make sense that growth is vigorous until the 3rd set of leaves form?
Leaves. Other
BudXsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Its burn, not lockout. Rather, its locked out due to an early burn, if the soil was indeed hot. Re-pot em in proper ph and low nute medium. They will erupt once cured
Overgrothostarted grow question 4 years ago
Yesterday I moved all girls into a 50% perlite mix (other 50% is super/top soil, castings). The 2 on the bottom have leaves which are curling down on all sides (weird 3d leaf shape). I wonder what that indicates? Any hints, about what could be my problem based on this photo?
Plant. Wilting
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 4 years ago
i'd assume it's pretty hot for the younger plants, because it can't have that type of symptoms that early, otherwise.. .so, more likely lockout. Make sure to water with 20% runoff and only after it dries out enough -- top 1" or so. hope they power through it. Next irrigation, you could run a little extra runoff and try to strip it down a tad? diary says pH of 6.5, if that's only what you put in, check soil. (do that first, actually) if pH is off in substrate, have to get that in line first. Seed can power growth for 2 weeks, so very unlikely the severe symptoms you see are deficiencies.
Overgrothostarted grow question 4 years ago
Today, I switch a few over to Professor Bruce Bugbee's soil-less mix : 50% Vermiculite 50% Peat Moss (& some gypsum and dolomite lime..) However instead of using Vermiculite I put Perlite, like an idiot!😜 Should that be fine until ready to transplant to super soil in due course?
Feeding. Other
GMSgrowsanswered grow question 4 years ago
So your gonna switch from soiless to a soil grow. I would just stick to the soiless mix and feed appropriately. Faster and better growth for indoors grows. Nutramix HP or promix are both soiless just like you mixed up yourself. Peatmoss and perlite. Not at an even rate for both but you got the idea right. Soiless grows are much easier to keep your plants healthy as well. Just have to keep your ph and ec correct and your girls will rock. Cheers
Overgrothostarted grow question 4 years ago
I tested the pH of my mediums and they were around 7 so, which I thought is too high so I watered with a 5 pH and I think this has brought the medium down to closer, around 6.5. I also put some worm castings for light top feed. Good ideas? Medium at 7 maybe caused yellowing?
Feeding. Chemical composition
MangoDuduanswered grow question 4 years ago
I think your soil is too rich in nutrients and you are in a full lockout, make sure your ph pen is working and i suggest u to buy some sponge cube or light mix so germinate your seeds, jiffy are bad! Wormcasting will not help your situation
Overgrothostarted grow question 4 years ago
I have turned off CO2 because the amount these tiny seedlings are using is so small that the CO2 in the room remains around 450 nevertheless. I can turn on CO2 as soon as needed however. I am using pH paper strips to be sure. I bought some different light mix for seedlings.
Roots. Other
Ganjagrandaddyanswered grow question 4 years ago
the response on the leaves initially with twisting is a similar response to "yucky" but in a slower time frame to how we would do it. the colour fade is possibly the roots being burnt and not being able to take nutes in again yet.. plain water ph to 6.2 for a couple of feeds maybe. they feed from the seed stored until around 3rd set of leaves and then if needed they cannabalize the little rounded 2 that form under the 1st set afer germination. it is like an emergency packed lunch while the tap root looks for water and the side roots start to web just under the surface to help feed later on.
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
15.24 cm
24 hrs
30 °C
No Smell
68 %
30 °C
1 L
60.96 cm
1200 PPM
I am watering only a small measured amount now, to avoid over watering, and once per 2-3 days. 1/3 EWC/Vermic/Peat was causing new seedlings to yellow unfortunately. So I decided this mix failed and transplanted to starter soil mix in a slightly bigger pot, I hope they have a smooth recovery. I was not sure if some plants also got light burned as tips were yellow and thin. Although I turned on another light for bigger plants, I moved it higher and turned down dimmer to half power (240 watt QB). It has been a very difficult start to my first indoor soil grow. With a lot of trial and error, newb mistakes and attempts at fine tuning... I've been doing my best to carefully watch the substrate pH and keep at 6.5.
Grow Questions
Overgrothostarted grow question 4 years ago
Seeing as I am using 1/3 vermiculite 1/3 peat and 1/3 worm casting for these seedlings, should the optimal pH of the substrate be 6, 6.3, or 6.5?
Feeding. Deficiences
blendmedmedmananswered grow question 4 years ago
you want right around 6.3 as this is the happy spot. hope this helps
Overgrothostarted grow question 4 years ago
Pink grow tips is from overly moist substrate?
Leaves. Color - Red or pink
blendmedmedmananswered grow question 4 years ago
what i am seeing is poor ph. again ph should be 6.3 i see a ph issue that is way out of line, your plants are suffering and no matter how or who answers the questions there still seems the plants suffer. your pink tips are most likely part of the strain, but since the stress of the ph, your starting to get a lock out and at a young age. pretty sad really considering the plants usually grow much better if you just let them be, instead i see over watering, the wrong ph level for your grow medium, as well as a high acid soil. your roots are very unhappy and this shows in your grow. what i suggest is stop asking for advice and picking the wrong answer which in turn puts your plants in a danger zone. so here is my suggestion to you since you do not listen to advice given by growers on this forum. pick up a book about growing, or you can do an internet search on how to grow cannabis, i know there is a free on ilgm that you can down load for free and i am very sure that once you read the info on growing, you should understand the plant and the needs of the plant. understanding the plants function during a grow is a very important issue. you as a grower only wants the instant answers but ignore the answers. yes i could tell you how to fix this mess but i do not think i want a hand fixing your grow when you do not listen. so happy growing and i hope for the plants sake you figure things out
Overgrothostarted grow question 4 years ago
Thoughts on my babies? Nute deficiency? Light burn? Over watering? pH off? What are your reflections on how they are looking now?
Leaves. Color - Yellow
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 4 years ago
based on what i read, i'd suggest changing watering habits. Don't try to micro-dose. Saturate substate with 20% runoff (if some sort of supersoil, just ensure complete hydration, some runoff will be necessary). if feeding a balanced diet, it'll maintain a happy equilibrium in the substrate if you maintain this 20% runoff habit. no build up. steady pH. consistent, vigorous growth. Then, wait for top 1" to dry before watering again -- fertilizer or irrigation, whatever it may be. Sounds like you'd fertilize each time with 20% runoff, but i don't kow what 'ewc' is. when you get dry pockets, it does funky things to contents of soil as well as roots in those areas. it looks like a nitrogen deficiency, but it is on the top leaf.. that's not right. something odd is likely going on in root zone. If you are soilless and not providing trace elements, this may also be something to look into. if you see that stuff on your labels, it's not likely an issue.
Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
15.24 cm
24 hrs
30 °C
No Smell
68 %
30 °C
60.96 cm
1200 PPM
Most seem to be still growing and recovering from earlier issues. New growth is green in parts and yellow in parts. Mostly I cut off the yellow. I am hoping the roots will penetrate and adapt to super soil soon, so we'll get vigorous growth later this week. I'm hopeful!
Grow Questions
Overgrothostarted grow question 4 years ago
Should I continue to cut off yellow growth as it appears?
Leaves. Color - Yellow
blendmedmedmananswered grow question 4 years ago
hi friend it looks to appear to me you have a few things going on. with the yellowing leaves you have a deficiency going on, looks like you need just a bit more nitrogen and you may also want to add cal mag. when you feed the plants water real good until you have a small run off, then dry your pots out and water a bit more. you make sure not to cut off the new growth, the yellow lower leaves yes. for now though get the deficiency taken care off now as when they go in flower it is harder to control. if you have a all purpose fertilizer like 20-20-20 this would fix the yellow leaves and bring health back to the plants. i would feed this until flowering starts, then go to a flower booster like beastie bloomz. hope this helps
Overgrothostarted grow question 4 years ago
Yellowing lockout/deficiency is still here. Transplanted many into supersoil which def has plenty of nitrogen if roots are ready for it.... If I add veg fert next watering, do you recommend to use what I've got: Happy Frog brand top dressing 7-5-4? In Asia we dont have many, ok?
Leaves. Color - Yellow
GMSgrowsanswered grow question 4 years ago
That soil has enough nutes to last for a few weeks. Make sure your ph in the soil is set properly. Cheers
Overgrothostarted grow question 4 years ago
There are plenty of nutrients in my supers soil. However I heard that the problem might be that the soil isnt "activated" is that logical? Thus need to add organic ferts? I am trying this, but I'm sure the super soil has months of nutes in it!
Leaves. Color - Yellow
StayWeededanswered grow question 4 years ago
I wouldn’t keep adding more nutrients since your soil most likely has enough. I’m thinking what you may be referring to is “inoculating” your soil. This means to introduce beneficial microbes into your soil. These microbes break down your organic amendments making them available for the plant to uptake. You can increase the microbial population by adding mycorrhizae or a compost tea. If you have access to Recharge, I would suggest that since it is basically a compost tea that has mycos, kelp, molasses, Humic and fulvic acids. Easy to use and you don’t have to brew up a batch of tea every time.
Week 5. Vegetation
4 years ago
20.32 cm
24 hrs
30 °C
No Smell
65 %
30 °C
60.96 cm
1200 PPM
New green coming but many still appear a bit stunted or still have wird yellow tips from previous soil issues, or watering issues. I water about once every 2-3 days and use a few moisture meters and my hand to check moisture. I try to let the soil get nice and dry for a couple days... Normally I have not been feeding at all, just the occasional (maybe weekly) fish hydrosolate and spraying leaves with kelp/humic. I have a lot of lights on around 45,000 lux. I have done either some topping aor some LST (tie down) on different plants. The sativa looking ones, Thai, will go outside later.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Overgrothostarted grow question 4 years ago
How is my grow looking? Some are stunted -- should I trash em and start over? Is 45k lux too much at this stage? My tie downs are good?
Other. General questions
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Lux is only comparable to the exact same lighting -- doesn't have to be the same fixture, just same characteristics of light. Simply put, the varying intensity colors for any lamp, even within 'white' light, will give varying Lux measurements. So, it can still be useful for you, but you'll need to read plant and measure to find that happy zone. Allow plant benaviour to tell you when it is happiest. Leaves will be perky, internode distance will be tight but 'enough' space, and growth will be vigorous. When you see it kinda droop at top or even form pale spots, you know it's way too intense. Also, internode length will get too short. while it is good to have a wet-dry cycle, i think some of your plants look a little too dry. one looks to be wilted. Except in cases of a small plant in large pot, make sure entirity of substrate gets saturated. then, allow it to dry out. Weight of pot is best, but top 1" is good indicator too. you'll have a more consistently happy plant, if you do. As nutes in soil run out and you fertilize more, you'll want more runoff to ensure a good equilibrium of nutes in soil.
Week 6. Vegetation
4 years ago
20.32 cm
24 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
55 %
30 °C
60.96 cm
550 PPM
My wedding cake and blue cheese plants are doing well but the two northern lights aren't doing so great (look lime colored) and one of the wedding cakes is a bit stunted. I've started to tie down the plants, to induce more tops to grow. Low stress training. Some have also been topped/fimmed and those were slow to recover. Please see pics and let me know any thoughts.
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Used techniques
Grow Questions
Overgrothostarted grow question 4 years ago
How are my ladies looking? The ones on the left are norther lights, they are looking very lime-green. Any thoughts on why that would happen? Also the wedding cakes in the back seems to be slow to get bigger, I wonder why?
Leaves. Color - Yellow
RafaelRapidosanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hello Overgrotho, Your plants have recovered pretty well, keep up the good work! Good luck with your project, I wish you all the best! 👽
Week 7. Vegetation
4 years ago
20.32 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
No Smell
55 %
30 °C
60.96 cm
550 PPM
So half the plants are doing really nicely and the other half are total shit. This is in part, because I am testing various super soils in Asia and apparently one of them is not performing. Hence the 3 stunted and lime green plant with leafs dying. I used a compost tea a few days ago. For the sick plants, I tested runoff today, and it was way too high. So I watered again with a low pH. Runoff was then good 6-7. I hope that half of the grow that is doing terrible, can return to normal soon!!!!
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 8. Vegetation
4 years ago
25.4 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
No Smell
60 %
29 °C
19 L
60.96 cm
450 PPM
Coming along nice. One runt plant was in a different super soil and I think has pH buffer problems. I might convert that one to synthetic nutes or kick it out or replace it. I want to fill up the canopy and then put a scrog net. Room is 55 inches tall. I guess I need to veg another 2-3 weeks.
1 comment
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Overgrothostarted grow question 4 years ago
How do my girls look? Ready to hang scrog net and flower when to optimize canopy? 15 gallons of soil enough for this 4x4?
Leaves. Other
Nor_Cal_Kannablissanswered grow question 4 years ago
We had 6 in 5 gallon pots scrogged in a 4x4. You should do well with what you have. Set up the net. Fill it up and flip! 🤘😤
Week 9. Flowering
4 years ago
35.56 cm
12 hrs
29 °C
54 %
29 °C
19 L
6 L
60.96 cm
1100 PPM
Nutrients 1
fish hydrosolate bloom 1 mll
I am working to maximize my yield in flower. Today I picked up a 3rd White Light 3000K 240 Watt Quantum Board for my 4x4 ft. chamber. I have been running 1100 PPM Co2, and keep the room around 29.5 C. My questions (first two are simple, 3rd is more important and difficult): 1. Do I keep this 1,100 PPM - 1,500 PPM level for the rest of flower (of course stop 2 weeks before harvest) and is it worthwhile to bump up to 1,500 PPM? 2. Shall I keep 29.5 C as my temps (which is said to be ideal for Co2-enhanced grows) or slowly decrease (simulating autum season)? 3. The more complex question: I am running max 750 watts of Quantum Boards (3,000K and 3,500K and 3,500K including one with with UV+IR). Total I have about 3,300 PPFDμmol/(m2·s) if considering the 2x 1000 PPFDμmol/(m2·s) lights and 1x 1300 PPFDμmol/(m2·s) UV+IR light. When not dimmed. I think this is quite a lot for a 4x4. And likely too much light in the center (which would reduce yield). Does that sound correct? Now like most people, I don't have a PPFD meter but I can measure Lux with my phone easily. I've read that cannabis maxes out at 1500 PPFD or 80,000 LUX even with CO2. If I have all the lights on full blast, it can get up to 200,000 LUX in the middle of the canopy! I've turned the middle light down 50% and so lux in the center comes to just around 100,000. It is the right move to dim, by half, the middle light or not?
1 like
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
4 years ago
35.56 cm
12 hrs
29 °C
54 %
29 °C
19 L
6 L
60.96 cm
1100 PPM
Nutrients 1
fish hydrosolate bloom 1 mll
Feeding fish hydrosolate formulated for Bloom Added some gypsum Top Dress Worm Castings on Previous Feed Lollypopping. Flower started on 26th Dec (10 days ago). How do they look? Seems to be some N deficiency? Should I top feed/tea some worm castings next to fix that? Double down on the (normal dose of) fish hydrosolate bloom? What is a good organic feeding plan for the rest of flower?
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
4 years ago
35.56 cm
12 hrs
29 °C
54 %
29 °C
19 L
6 L
60.96 cm
1100 PPM
Nutrients 1
fish hydrosolate bloom 1 mll
I am working to maximize my yield in flower. Today I picked up a 3rd White Light 3000K 240 Watt Quantum Board for my 4x4 ft. chamber. I have been running 1100 PPM Co2, and keep the room around 29.5 C. My questions (first two are simple, 3rd is more important and difficult): 1. Do I keep this 1,100 PPM - 1,500 PPM level for the rest of flower (of course stop 2 weeks before harvest) and is it worthwhile to bump up to 1,500 PPM? 2. Shall I keep 29.5 C as my temps (which is said to be ideal for Co2-enhanced grows) or slowly decrease (simulating autum season)? 3. The more complex question: I am running max 750 watts of Quantum Boards (3,000K and 3,500K and 3,500K including one with with UV+IR). Total I have about 3,300 PPFDμmol/(m2·s) if considering the 2x 1000 PPFDμmol/(m2·s) lights and 1x 1300 PPFDμmol/(m2·s) UV+IR light. When not dimmed. I think this is quite a lot for a 4x4. And likely too much light in the center (which would reduce yield). Does that sound correct? Now like most people, I don't have a PPFD meter but I can measure Lux with my phone easily. I've read that cannabis maxes out at 1500 PPFD or 80,000 LUX even with CO2. If I have all the lights on full blast, it can get up to 200,000 LUX in the middle of the canopy! I've turned the middle light down 50% and so lux in the center comes to just around 100,000. It is the right move to dim, by half, the middle light or not?
1 comment
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Overgrothostarted grow question 4 years ago
Do I keep this 1,100 PPM - 1,500 PPM level for the rest of flower (of course stop 2 weeks before harvest) and is it worthwhile to bump up to 1,500 PPM?
Feeding. Other
The8thChevronanswered grow question 4 years ago
1500 is about the highest you can go. Test your EC in your feed and the runoff. If the runoff is lower, you can increase feed. If it's higher, then you are overfeeding and need to cut back. This is all based on the assumption that your temps and pH are good.
Week 12. Flowering
4 years ago
35.56 cm
12 hrs
29 °C
54 %
29 °C
19 L
6 L
45.72 cm
1500 PPM
Nutrients 1
fish hydrosolate bloom 1 mll
How doe they look? Normal to have some yellow leaves following off at this point 4 weeks into flower? Or too much/deficiency? Blue Cheese has been budding and adding weight much slower (and more stretchier) than the Wedding Cake.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Overgrothostarted grow question 4 years ago
How doe they look? Normal to have some yellow leaves following off at this point 4 weeks into flower? Or too much/deficiency?
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Weezy90answered grow question 4 years ago
Hi ! Het is normaal dat de plant naarmate hij dichterbij de oogst komt, onderaan meer gele bladeren ontwikkeld. Dit komt doordat hij zich wil inzetten op goede ontwikkeling van de toppen. Jouw bladeren zien er naar mijn mening wel wat lichtgroen uit, krijgen ze voldoende voeding? Ik denk dat dit een tekort kan zijn aan stikstof. Check ook even je ph waarde en geef niet teveel water. Ik voeg nog een link toe die je misschien kan helpen. Veel succes!!🌱👌
Overgrothostarted grow question 4 years ago
How much should I be watering? Before I thought 1.6g/day now I think .8 to 1.2 g per day is fine. 3x 5 gallon pots in a 4x4 in fourth week flower... co2 high temps etc
Feeding. Other
The8thChevronanswered grow question 4 years ago
Early in flower they drink a ton but 4 or 5 weeks later they really slow down. Good chance you've been right the entire time. As long as you're giving some time for the topsoil to dry, you should be good.
Week 13. Vegetation
4 years ago
35.56 cm
12 hrs
29 °C
54 %
29 °C
19 L
6 L
45.72 cm
1500 PPM
Nutrients 1
fish hydrosolate bloom 1 mll
The blue cheese is stretching like hell while the wedding cake is staying at a relatively even canopy with no stretch. I got some bleaching on the tops of the buds towards the middle of the canopy and also the and also under the UV light. Thus I raised all lights to highest height and slightly turned down wattage on 2 lights. Wedding cake is focused on bud production muuuuch quicker than blue cheese. Blue just stretched and stretched and is slowly putting on buds.
Used techniques


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DoDrugs420commentedweek 134 years ago
That's what's up!
iLoveGoodWeedcommentedweek 134 years ago
This plant is a beast👊happy growing and good luck😀👍
Smokwiricommentedweek 114 years ago
Plant looks sweet, keep up the good worx👌
CachimboDaPazcommentedweek 104 years ago
Looking so good brother. Good luck with your grow Happy Holidays, Happy New Year and keep it lit. God Bless You
heizencommentedweek 84 years ago
Nice grow mate, plants are looking good, keep it up, imma follow this one upclose.
Ferenccommentedweek 74 years ago
Happy Growing @Overgrotho
Overgrothocommentedweek 64 years ago
I have brewed up 5 gallons of actively aerated compost tea. Here is the composition: Tea bag base compost 1 cup worm castings 1 cup Extra tea ingedient kelp extract honey (or molasses if have) fish hydrosolate humic acid bat guano mycorhiza trichoderma
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