Been absent for several weeks from GD and miss a lot of action! I've been grown some amazing strains that breeders have sent for test in last months in another location with cooperation of a friend, learning and sharing knowledge together! Super happy for starting now a new growth cycle and my return to this community beloved by Jah!
During the week the temperature was balanced enough for seedling and using the stater kit from RQS, Crystal Candy sprouted within a 2 days window. The RQS starter cube proven to be the perfect nest for the newborn "Candy Crys" and was successfully transplanted for the final 15L pot! "Baby Crystal" seems to be thriving, after being fed with Greenbuzz Liquids, More Roots and Humic Acid Plus. Following the Greenbuzz Schedule plan.
@Mrs_Larimar, because they dont grow up to big in size and they are in big pots, and the weather here are with high levels of humidity and kinda cold temperature nights... even they are living well and cousy in a custom room not being directly exposed to harsh condicitions, i bet they are allways affected by cold temps and high humidity, expecially during flower! But in the other hand i have just notice that you are as allways being bright :) i have allways to feed them a lot when they are flowering, they are very thirsty! 😀