Started the week by switching to 20/4 cycle: 8h in my box under 2 40w and 12 on my flower tent.
Baby growing nice and more every day. I had to keep doing some LST and removing some branches and leaves as it got bushy as hell 😂☘️🌱🍀
Day 23:
-Fed her 2l of water with 2ml BioGrow;
(Feeding 2l every 5th day from now on 0.5l/day)🍼
-Removed some leaves that weren't getting light and/or blocking new branches formations and tied down the bigger branches
Day 26:
She grew a lot last couple of days, turning out better than I expected 😍
-Trimmed another few leaves
-LST the top a little as it was climbing like stairs 📶
Day 28:
-Watered a bit, she is growing good and is sucking the vase dry.