Girls are trucking right along. Today is day 60 of breeders recommended 75 days.
Dec 1st- fed girls 600ml each of 3gpg MC, 1gpg BE
Dec 4th- fed girls weak solution of 2gpg MC at 500ml each.
Starting 14 day flush tomorrow. I’ll have to get some trachoma pics and post them next update!
Final weight for both was 73 g. Big girl, the sweet one, weighed 37g. Mild sweet aroma during clip down. Runt, the gassy one, weighed 36 g. Carried her cloying sweet gas aroma right through clip down.
Gave them another drink of well water ph 6.5 500 ml each . That’s the last for them. Tomorrow at 6am the lights go off for the final time on these ladies. A nice 48 hr nap then Sunday morning, Harvest! Will post pics and such before and after. Wet wt. etc...
Started flush 12/6. 1.5 gal well water, 6.5 ph for both. Wait 10 minutes. .5 gal then wait 5 then both girls back into closet just in time for lights off. No more nutes from here on out!
@DoDrugs420, she was fine! Absolute dream to grow and smoke got two more in starter cups waiting to pop their heads up. One seed left after that and waiting til I get some CS or STS to start that one cuz HSO/Dinafem gone and can’t get anymore… gonna get some seeds from the last one!
Awesome job I’m running one at the moment, but next time you get nute burn with Megacrop and the additives… use botanicares clearex to help your plants out! Megacrop and all is salt nutrients so using clearex with help take the nutes out to help the plant not stress like she did