Ultima settimana di vegetativa. Le piante nella foto sono un po' assetate. Domani grande irrigazione per primo giorno di fioritura. Fatto topping sperimentale multiplo alla purple queen dato che ho notato che non sarebbe stata della qualità di mio interesse. Speriamo non diventi maschio...speriamo nessuna diventi maschio 🤞😂 liberate dai fili dell'lst.
Hi there!
What is the light you are using? Is it really 600W (power draw from the wall) or advertised as "600W" while being max 200? Nevertheless that yellowing don't look like nuteburn but deficinecy of some sort,. My first though was the light is just a little bit too intense for them and therefore the top part starts to show deficiencies but slowly. If the intensity is waay to high they will burn or buds will bleach (turn all white from some parts)
hi, biobizz light mix soil, third week of flowering, I doused twice in a row with nutrients. they looked hungry. today I am like that. does it seem shortage? bathroom with only h2o or nutrients? Thank you.
@AlpineGoat,grazie mille✌️ un led del cavolo sinceramente. Va bene in vegetativa,ma in fioritura la resa è minima. Prossimamente prendo una Mars hydro tsw 2000.