Everything is bulking up. The calyxs on Big Bud look like they are about to explode. The deficiency from the previous week continued even with lowered nutrients. I could only concur that it's still nutrient burn but from salt build up in the coco. I recently untied all the tie downs for the LST training on the plants, they will finish as they are shaped now. This also gave me the chance to pull each of them out of the tent since they were no longer tied down to the flood table stand. They constantly feel light and are already fed twice a day, but I decided to try to multi feed by hand for as long as I have the patience and time to do so. I have been looking into more equipment that would help me automate the whole care process, it takes a lot of time for all the work. The first multi feed I did about 4 hrs after their first feed of the day and the pots felt almost bone dry. They take in 0.25-0.5 gallons on the smaller secondary feedings. Big Bud is getting very close to coming down! Another week or two I'm thinking right now.