This week is is important , we go into flowering stage .
The 3 Critical dad have different cuuting (I try to find what is the best cutting way for a good simpliciticty / quality / quantity ratio) .
I use the bio versions of TerraAquatiqua ( ex GHE) exactly at recomended levels. I am also sure that using in soil parts of my garden soil and horse manure give "real life" to the soil.
Last month, I bought a new LED : I have now 5 units 50/60 w Smiled , for 5 14 l pots. 3 of BlimBurn's , 2 of Kusk set as witness .
Winter is coming , so I found 2 80w greenhouse heaters that produce a soft heat , managed by and home made thermo switch.
I made also a smal cure based on Cinnaprot (cinnamon exttract) to prevent pests and thrips .
News for Round #1 of Critical Daddy : waiting ... I 'll made a new diary when the harvest will be dry... I hope a 0.75 g/w/m2 ! at least 0.6
See you soon !
18 nov : The stresh is beginning ( +2,5 cm a day )
* heater installed
* 19,5 inside, (6.5° ouside at night ) ;
32 cm high !
For the moment, every thing goes well !
* heater installed
* 19,5 inside, (6.5° ouside at night ) ;
juste a little bit of LST.. on two branches
By the way I received the seeds for the next run , from Blimburn -first time i try 3 times the same strain ! DHL delivery expensive but .. i received my seeds in 24 hours, from monday to thursday .
critical da again , and I'll try MANBA NEGRA, indoor and outdoor next spring.
Very nice job on those sweet looking plants. Your inter-nodal spacing looks much closer together than I found with mine
So you should end up with an awesome harvest 😎👍👍👍
@jonhraw, Yes I am new at this and I went straight to DWC hydroponics right off the start
Had issues with many things: root wrought, mainlining, LST, defoliation, and on
but for only my second go at this I am happy just to get some great quality buds. Then work on maximizing yelled
I really want to hold a pop can-sized bud that is coated to the max 😎👍
Thank you.. I hope so
for internode .. I used a CFL first , but the CREE COB leds from smiled make thedifferences .
I choose also to have quick loops on my flowering box , so I don't give a long Grow phase.
For sure the Critical daddy is a very good choice.
I notice that You had some troubles during growing !
And thank you for your support !🙏